Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-285, Panasonic Toughbooks, to CDS Office Technologies for an amount not to exceed $311,157
DEPARTMENT: Information Technology
SUBMITTED BY: Jackie Nguyen, Director
The Information Technology Department (IT) maintains the technology hardware environment for City staff across all departments, including ruggedized laptops and tablets for field work. Each year, IT staff work with the City departments to determine their computing requirements, for both planned replacements and upgrades.
All of the devices requested for replacement are past their three-year warranty with some of the devices over four years old. A three-year replacement cycle is optimum for mobile field devices due to the working conditions that the devices are exposed to. IT is working to achieve and maintain this replacement cycle. To determine the appropriate replacement devices, IT staff reviewed user needs based upon the job requirements of the City’s mobile users.
Utilities, Public Works, TED Business Group and Finance
In addition to email and SharePoint, field staff for the Electric Utility, Water Utilities, Department of Public Works and TED Business Group also require access to applications including, but not limited to Cityworks service requests and asset management and ArcGIS mapping software. The requested replacements for these departments include:
• Electric Utility - Five (5) CF-31 ruggedized laptops primarily for the vehicles and one (1) semi-rugged CZ-55 laptop for field staff.
• Water Utilities - One (1) CF-31 ruggedized laptop and eleven (11) semi-rugged CZ-55 laptops for field staff.
• Public Works - Two (2) CF-31 ruggedized laptop and one (1) semi-rugged CZ-55 laptops for field staff.
• TED Business Group - Three (3) semi-rugged CZ-55 laptops for field staff.
• Finance - One (1) semi-rugged CZ-55.
Public Safety
In addition to email and SharePoint, field public safety personnel also require access to applications including, but not limited to dispatch communications, electronic citation issuance and other law enforcement related activities. In 2018, the Police Department worked with IT staff to evaluate the top two vendors of ruggedized technology hardware, Panasonic and GETAC. After extensive field testing of both laptops, the officers completed a formal survey and selecting the Panasonic device, which best fit their needs. Twenty-five (25) Police vehicles were upgraded to the selected Panasonic CF-33 Toughbook at that time.
• Police Department - Replace the remaining thirty-seven (37) vehicles with certified laptop vehicle docks for the Toughbook CF-33s for Patrol, Traffic, Animal Control, Community Service, and the Detention transport van
• Fire Department - Replace four (4) of their vehicle laptops, two (2) CF-33 and two (2) command vehicles with semi-rugged CZ-55 laptops.
Staff has identified an approved cooperative contract, State of Illinois Master Contract (CMS5848520) through CDS Office Technologies, for the procurement of the Panasonic ruggedized hardware.
The purchase of ruggedized hardware is expensed to the technology hardware accounts listed below. The requested award of $311,157 is within budget.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
16101100-541410 |
General Fund |
$513,750 |
22101100-541410 |
General Fund |
$122,900 |
40101300-541410 |
Electric Utility Fund |
$39,310 |
41101500-541410 |
Water Utilities Fund |
$82,345 |