Receive the Westside Neighborhood Traffic Study report and concur with the recommended improvements (Item 1 of 2)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Michael Prousa, TED Project Manager
On January 7, 2021 the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) recommended approval of the Westside Neighborhood Traffic Study report by a vote of 7-0. Two items were voted on separately and pertained to existing marked crosswalks and signage at the intersections of Jackson Avenue/Ewing Street and Spring Avenue/Eagle Street. Staff initially recommended removal of the crosswalk markings and signage to promote pedestrian use of nearby controlled crossings but TAB voted to maintain the existing crosswalks at Jackson Avenue/Ewing Street (6-1) and Spring Avenue/Eagle Street (7-0). Staff concurs and the report recommendations have been updated accordingly.
In the fall of 2018, the City of Naperville received several reports of traffic concerns from residents in the Westside Neighborhood which is bounded by the BNSF line on the north, Washington Street and downtown Naperville to the east, and the West Branch DuPage River on the south and west. See Attachment 1 for a map of the study area.
The City contracted with consultant Kenig, Lindgren, O’Hara, Aboona, Inc. (KLOA) to conduct a traffic study consisting of an evaluation of the existing conditions within the neighborhood area and developing recommendations to create a consistent striping, traffic control, signing and traffic calming plan.
Study Process
The Westside Neighborhood Traffic Study included a 2019 resident survey, summaries of traffic concerns/potential solutions, school traffic control and walking route plans, and a thorough review of previous spot-specific studies completed by staff. Staff and KLOA also met with representatives from School District 203 to discuss concerns at Naper Elementary School and Washington Junior High School.
KLOA made assessments of traffic volumes and speed, pedestrian and bicycle volumes, school drop-off/pick-up and bus circulation, traffic controls, pedestrian signage and crosswalk markings, posted speed limits, street classification, parking regulations, and crash history from field observations and data collection efforts.
Analysis was tied to compliance with Federal and State standards from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Naperville traffic policies and procedures, a citywide traffic calming toolkit that was developed over the course of the study, and engineering judgment.
Public and Stakeholder Involvement
As previously noted, staff conducted a resident survey in March 2019. The information gathered from the survey guided the overall study process and related data collection. A virtual public meeting was held on October 29, 2020 to receive resident feedback on the findings and proposed recommendations. City staff met with representatives from School District 203 to review the recommendations specific to Naper Elementary School and Washington Junior High School. A letter of support from the School District is included as Attachment 2.
Study Report and Recommendations
KLOA has summarized the data collection, observations, analysis findings, public comments, and recommended improvements into a detailed report. This report is included as Attachment 3. A matrix of the final recommendations included in the report is provided in Attachment 4.
The recommendations include a number of improvements to signage and striping throughout the neighborhood, as well as the following key enhancements:
1. Naper Elementary School area circulation improvements, including converting Eagle Street to be one-way southbound;
2. Washington Junior High School area circulation improvements, including converting the intersection of Spring Avenue and Webster Street to an all-way stop and improving crosswalk locations; and
3. Curb extensions to improve pedestrian crossings at Jefferson Avenue and West Street and Mill Street and Douglas Avenue.
Transportation Advisory Board Consideration
The pre-final report and recommendations matrix were presented to TAB on December 3, 2020. The meeting included constructive dialogue among staff, KLOA, residents, and board members. The overall feedback on the report and recommendations was positive; however, TAB requested additional review of the following locations:
1. Jefferson Avenue and West Street;
2. Crosswalks around Washington Junior High School (including Eagle Street and Spring Avenue);
3. Douglas Avenue improvements;
4. Douglas Avenue and Parkway Drive;
5. Jefferson Avenue Improvements;
6. Mill Street and Douglas Avenue; and
7. Traffic on Mill Street and Webster Street resulting in the one-way conversation of Eagle Street.
TAB voted to table the agenda item and requested that staff provide additional information on these locations.
The final report and recommendations matrix were presented to TAB on January 7, 2021. Additional information on the locations identified during the December 3, 2020 meeting was included and is provided here as Attachment 5. Following further discussion, TAB voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the Westside Neighborhood Traffic Study recommendations, excluding the following two areas:
1. Remove crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signs on Jackson Avenue at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Ewing Street.
2. Remove crosswalk, school crossing and school advance crossing assemblies on Spring Avenue at the intersection of Spring Avenue and Eagle Street.
TAB instead voted to maintain the marked crosswalks and signage at these two locations. Staff agrees with TAB’s proposed modifications and the report and recommendations matrix have been modified to reflect these changes.
Next Steps
Staff will begin the implementation of short-term recommendations this year, with the goal of completing many this spring and summer in advance of the start of the 2021-2022 school year. As some of the recommendations will require amendments to the Traffic Schedules contained in the Municipal Code, staff will submit the necessary ordinances to the City Council over the course of several meetings. The medium and long-term recommendations will be incorporated into future Capital Improvement Programs.
Short-term recommendations will be implemented this year with the cost anticipated to be between $10,000 to $15,000. Medium and long-term recommendations will be incorporated into future Capital Improvement Programs.