Waive the applicable provisions of the Naperville Procurement Code to set prices for 2018/2019 and award Procurement 18-215, Roadway Snow Removal, to various contractors for an amount not to exceed $390,000 and for the period of October 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019 (Requires six positive votes)
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for snow removal throughout the City. Snow removal operations cannot be completed effectively with only in-house staff and equipment. As such, a portion of the snow removal operations is outsourced. DPW uses the services of several contractors because no single contractor is large enough to provide the approximate 70 supplemental snow removal units required to plow the City’s streets. If additional qualified contractors are needed, they are added at the established rate per piece of equipment. Without the service of these contractors, the average completion time to plow snow, from the end of a snowfall, is projected to increase from twelve to approximately thirty-two hours. Plowing commences with a minimum of 2" snowfall accumulation.
Council has waived the code and approved hourly rates for the snow plowing contracts since FY2004/2005. The City advertises and accepts applications from vendors wanting to participate in snow plowing City roadways. All applicants meeting the criteria are awarded contracts based on the following:
• Minimum of 5 years of experience providing snow removal on public or private roadways (not including parking lots). If less than five years of experience, previous experience with the City will be considered.
• Ability to provide adequate communications. All salt vehicles require a 2-way radio with the City frequency or a cell phone.
• Ability to respond to a designated work area within 1.5 hours of being called out.
• Ability to provide necessary assigned equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Ability to provide service for periods greater than 24 consecutive hours.
• Ability to provide competent drivers/operators that are capable of efficiently operating the equipment assigned, reading a map, and speaking English.
• Ability to provide additional supervisory support if the amount of equipment (number of pieces) exceeds 6 units.
• Ability to provide equipment that meets or exceeds the DPW equipment specifications.
• Ability to meet or exceed all liability insurance requirements as required by the City of Naperville.
The majority of the roadway snow contractors have worked for the City for several years and have proven to be very reliable. Contractors received an increase in the hourly rates of 2% for the 2016/17 winter season, and did not receive an increase for the 17/18 winter season. Staff is recommending that the contractors receive a 2% increase for the 18/19 season due to the increase in fuel and labor costs. Naperville’s rates are currently around the mid-point for what neighboring communities are offering for the same service, and this increase will ensure that Naperville’s rates remain competitive (See Attachment 1).
Contractors receive a bonus of 20% to the hourly rate for large pieces of equipment for all events larger than 12 inches in a 24-hour period. This bonus assists the City in obtaining more equipment during peak demand times. All contractors will be required to provide a listing of all of the equipment that they have available, and the City will contact additional contractors with large equipment needed during a blizzard.
Waiver of Section 1-9B-4 (Methods of Source Selection) of the Naperville Code is required because the recommended process is not one of the enumerated methods under the Code.
CIP #: N/A
Roadway snow removal is expensed to the operational service account below. As part of the 2018 budget process, contracted snow removal services were reduced from $390,915 (average contracted snow removal service cost) to $200,000 to help contain General Fund increases. To date, the City has expended approximately $285,000 on contracted services and based on historical averages for December, we anticipate another $100,000 to be needed. This would bring the total costs to $385,000 for 2018. This contract covers work into 2019. Staff is recommending it be awarded at the historical values based on past experience. Consequently, staff will be recommending the budget for contracted snow removal services return to $390,000 in 2019.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
31251100-531308 |
General Fund |
$1,388,045 |