File #: 24-1395    Version: 1
Type: Public Hearing Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/22/2024 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission
On agenda: 12/4/2024 Final action: 12/4/2024
Title: Conduct the public hearing to consider new self-storage buildings in the Naperville - Extra Space Storage Planned Unit Development for property located at 1432 W Ogden Avenue (Extra Space Storage) - PZC 24-1-058
Attachments: 1. Development Petition, 2. Disclosure of Beneficiaries, 3. Project Narrative, 4. Response to Standards, 5. Site Plan (DRAFT), 6. Building Elevations (DRAFT), 7. Amended Final PUD Plat (DRAFT), 8. Final Engineering (DRAFT), 9. Autoturn Exhibit, 10. Tree Removal and Protection Plan (DRAFT), 11. Landscape Plan (DRAFT), 12. Photometric Plan (DRAFT), 13. Plat of Abrogation (DRAFT), 14. Plat of Consolidation (DRAFT)




Conduct the public hearing to consider new self-storage buildings in the Naperville - Extra Space Storage Planned Unit Development for property located at 1432 W Ogden Avenue (Extra Space Storage) - PZC 24-1-058



DEPARTMENT:                     Transportation, Engineering and Development


SUBMITTED BY:                     Anna Franco, Community Planner



1.                     A Major Change to the Naperville - Extra Space Storage Planned Unit Development (PUD), including an amended Final Plat of PUD pursuant to Section 6-4-6:1 (Changes to a Final Planned Unit Development: Major Change)

2.                     PUD deviations pursuant to Section 6-4-6 (Changes to a Final PUD)

a.                     A deviation from Section 6-2-14 to allow the location of a 25-foot drive aisle within the required 20-foot major arterial setback.

b.                     A deviation from Section 6-2-14 to allow light poles within the 20-foot major arterial setback.

c.                     A deviation from Section 6-2-12:2.1 to allow the location of an open fence and gates greater than three feet in height in the front yard.

d.                     A deviation from Section 5-10-3:5.2.1 for relief from the required perimeter parking lot landscaping along the north property line.

e.                     A deviation from Section 6-7C-8 to allow a floor area ratio (FAR) greater than the maximum FAR of 0.325.

3.                     A Conditional Use pursuant to Section 6-7C-3 (B3 General Commercial District /Conditional Uses) for self-storage.


Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 24-1-058 was published in the Naperville Sun on Sunday, November 17, 2024.



The subject property is approximately 2.4-acres and is comprised of two vacant properties located west of the existing Extra Space Storage facility at 1432 W Ogden Avenue and is zoned B3 General Commercial District with a PUD. Adjacent uses include the BNSF railroad to the south, the existing Extra Space Storage buildings and Sunrise Transportation to the east, Walgreens across Ogden Avenue to the north, and Thorton’s gas station across Ogden Avenue to the west. The property is also located directly south of a large, grassed area that is part of the Ogden Avenue right-of-way. The right-of-way width is uncharacteristic for the Ogden Avenue corridor and is approximately 145 feet in width (at the widest point) between the front property line of the subject property and the Ogden Avenue pavement.



The petitioner, Extra Space Management Inc., on behalf of the owner, Extra Space Properties Two, LLC, requests approval of a Major Change to the PUD to amend the underlying PUD, approval of deviations, and approval of a Conditional Use for self-storage to expand the existing Extra Space Storage facility and construct five new, one-story self-storage buildings and a detention facility on vacant property within the PUD. Staff supports the requested entitlements and has provided details on each of the requests below.


Major Change to the Naperville-Extra Space Storage PUD & Deviations

The subject property and the existing Extra Space Storage facility to the west of the subject property are part of the Naperville - Extra Space Storage PUD that was approved July 18, 2006, with the passage of Ordinance No 06-167 for a preliminary PUD with deviations, and on June 5, 2007, with passage of Ordinance No. 07-122 for a final PUD. The PUD approvals included the development of a three-story, self-storage building and two, one-story self-storage buildings, totaling approximately 90,000 gross square feet on Lot 1 of the Extra Space Storage-Naperville subdivision. Cross access was platted across Lot 2 of the subdivision; however, no improvements were proposed for Lots 2 and 3 with the approved PUD.


The petitioner is requesting a Major Change Naperville - Extra Space Storage PUD to construct improvements on the remaining two lots within the PUD. The petitioner is proposing to expand the Extra Space Storage facility to include five new, one-story self-storage buildings on existing Lot 2 that will comprise of 169 self-storage units and a total 19,800 gross square feet of building area. The architecture of the proposed buildings is intended to be consistent with the architecture of the existing storage buildings on Lot 1. The building facades consist of two-toned gray CMU block and gray overhead metal doors, with a metal seam roof. The buildings are not climate-controlled storage and therefore do not require any rooftop mechanical equipment.


Site improvements include the provision of seven on-site parking spaces, an extension of the drive across existing Lot 2, drive aisles between the self-storage buildings, landscaping, and site lighting. The petitioner is also proposing a stormwater detention facility on existing Lot 3 of the PUD, which will be sufficiently landscaped and can be accessed via the proposed drive aisle on existing Lot 2. The stormwater detention facility is designed around an existing telecommunications facility on the property that is currently being leased to another party.


As part of the request, the petitioner is also proposing administrative approval of a plat of consolidation to consolidate the three existing lots in the existing subdivision into one lot of record as the three lots are under common ownership.


The Major Change to the Naperville - Extra Space Storage PUD and a Final Plat of PUD includes a change to the land use designation for Lot 2 from “commercial” to “self-storage” as well as the following deviations:


                     Major Arterial Setback - Drive Aisle: The petitioner is requesting a deviation from Section 6-2-14 to allow the location of a 25-foot drive aisle within the required 20-foot major arterial setback. The 25-foot drive aisle is an extension of the existing drive aisle on Lot 1 and provides access to the new self-storage buildings on existing Lot 2. Building C, which is the building closest to the front property line, is setback approximately 25 feet from the front property line; however, the drive aisle at its closest point is setback less than two feet from the front property line. Staff is supportive of the request and finds the proposed drive aisle extension a logical part of the site design. The significantly reduced setback will have minimal visual impact due to the large right-of-way width at this section of Ogden Avenue. Further, the request is consistent with a similar deviation that was granted for the existing drive-aisle on Lot 1.


                     Major Arterial Setback - Light Poles: The petitioner is requesting a deviation from Section 6-2-14 to allow light poles within the 20-foot major arterial setback. The petitioner is proposing a total of six light poles around the perimeter of existing Lot 2 to provide adequate site lighting for the new self-storage buildings. Two of the light poles are located along the property’s frontage, north of the proposed drive aisle, and approximately six to eight feet from the front property line. Staff is supportive of the request and finds the location of the light poles acceptable due to the significant right-of-way width at this section of Ogden Avenue and the necessity to illuminate vehicular access to the self-storage buildings.


                     Maximum Fence and Gate Height: The petitioner is requesting a deviation from Section 6-2-12:2.1 to allow the location of an open fence and gates greater than three feet in height in the front yard of the property. The proposed six-foot, black coated iron fence and gates are located along the front of existing Lot 2 and match the decorative design of the existing gates for the existing storage facility. The fence and gates connect to a black coated chain link fence along the sides of existing Lot 2 and an existing fence along the rear of the lot to completely enclose the proposed storage buildings for security purposes. Staff is supportive of the request due to the right-of-way width of Ogden Avenue that creates a visual setback from the proposed fence and other improvements.


The following condition of approval is recommended to be included in the prepared ordinance to ensure the fencing in the front yard is visually appealing:


Fencing and gates located in the front yard of the property shall be designed as shown on the approved Engineering plans dated October 31, 2024.


                     Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping: The petitioner is requesting a deviation from Section 5-10-3:5.2.1 for relief from the required perimeter parking lot landscaping along the north property line. Per 5-10-3:5.2.1, the petitioner is required to provide a minimum five-foot wide landscaped area with landscaping provided across 50% of the parking lot to a minimum height of 30 inches. Due to the extension of the proposed drive aisle located along the front of the property and the location of revetment riprap for stormwater purposes within five feet of the front property line, the petitioner is not able to install the required plantings. Staff finds the request acceptable as relocation of the drive-aisle would result in an ineffective site design of the property. Staff finds that the visible setback created by the Ogden Avenue as well as the planting of trees in the right-way will minimize impacts from the requested deviation.


                     Maximum FAR: The petitioner is requesting a deviation from Section 6-7C-8 to allow an FAR greater than the maximum FAR of 0.325. The three-lot subdivision is proposed to be consolidated into one lot of record, and therefore FAR is calculated using all buildings on existing lots 1, 2, and 3, including the existing storage facility buildings and the proposed self-storage facilities. The total FAR for the consolidated lot is therefore 0.606. Staff finds the requested deviation will not undermine the intent of the underlying zoning district and is supportive of the proposed request.


Findings of Fact for PUD Deviations

The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Approving a PUD Deviation can be found in the attachments. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s findings for the requested deviations and recommend their adoption by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 


Findings of Fact for Major Change to the PUD

Per Naperville Municipal Code Section 6-4-6:1 (Changes to a Final Planned Unit Development: Major Change), a major change to the existing PUD is required to approve a conditional use and change the designation of land use identified in an approved planned unit development (commercial) to a use which is not consistent with the Statement of Intent and Concept approved for the planned unit development (self-storage). Staff finds the proposed self-storage use meets the requirements and standards of the planned unit development regulations. The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting or Amending a Planned Unit Development can be found in the attachments. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s findings and recommends their adoption by the Planning and Zoning Commission.


Conditional Use for Self-Storage

Extra Space Storage is proposing to expand their operation and improve the current vacant parcels in the Naperville - Extra Space Storage PUD to meet rise in demand. The new storage buildings will be accessible via the existing driveway onto Ogden Avenue and with an extension of the existing drive aisle in front of the existing facility. The public can access the buildings from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm seven days per week and a manager will be present on-site from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 9:00 to 5:30 pm on Saturdays. In addition to the onsite manager, other security measures include video surveillance, individually alarmed units, monitored security access, and electronic gate access.


Internal drive aisles have been designed with sufficient width to accommodate the drive aisle for customer traffic and parked vehicles. Given the information provided by the petitioner, the proposed site plan and the nature of the proposed business, staff finds the seven parking spaces to be adequate for the proposed business.


Findings of Fact

Pursuant to Section 6-7C-3 of the Municipal Code (B3 District: Conditional Uses), self-storage is a conditional use in the B3 zoning district. Staff finds the proposed expansion of the self-storage facility is consistent with the intent of the B3 district and finds that the low-intensity use is compatible with the adjacent industrial and commercial land uses. The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Conditional Use, as well as additional information regarding the proposed self-storage facility is attached.  Upon review, staff is in agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends their adoption by the Planning and Zoning Commission. 


Key Takeaways

                     The petitioner requests approval of a Major Change to the Naperville-Extra Space Storage PUD, associated deviations, and a Conditional Use pursuant to Section 6-7C-3 to allow for the construction of five, one-story self-storage buildings and a stormwater detention facility on the vacant property at 1432 W Ogden Avenue.

                     Staff is in support of the requests, subject to the condition provided, and has attached the petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting or Amending a Planned Unit Development, Approving a PUD Deviation, and Granting a Conditional Use.