File #: 19-904    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 9/11/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/1/2019 Final action: 10/1/2019
Title: Approve the award of Bid 19-270, 4th Avenue Train Station Improvements, to RoMAAS Inc., for an amount not to exceed $159,900, plus a 5% contingency
Attachments: 1. CIP Pages
Related files: 20-418, 20-047




Approve the award of Bid 19-270, 4th Avenue Train Station Improvements, to RoMAAS Inc., for an amount not to exceed $159,900, plus a 5% contingency



DEPARTMENT:                     Department of Public Works


SUBMITTED BY:                     Richard Dublinski, Director





The City of Naperville Department of Public Works - Public Buildings Operation (PBO) is responsible for the maintenance of the building, pedestrian ways, tunnel, stairs, shelters, and lighting at the Downtown Naperville Metra train station.  Over the past several years, PBO has been focused on completing exterior improvements on the building such as roof replacement, tuck-pointing and the renovation of the stairs on the south side of the tracks leading to the pedestrian tunnel. Limited concrete repairs on the east and west side of the building have also been completed.


The City applied for and received HUD funding to complete additional repairs due to the ADA improvements still required at the train station. In September 2019, the DPW conducted Bid 19-270 to complete ADA improvements at the Naperville Metra train station.  This project will replace the doors on the north and south sides of the station as well as replace the approaches and adjacent sidewalk. Performing this work will improve the function of the station and enhance the safety for users as the renovations will comply with ADA construction practices and code.





Advertisement Date:


Notices Sent:


Opening Date:






Proposals Received:



Bids were received from the following vendors:

Vendor Name

Base Project Cost

RoMAAS Inc. Company


 Berglund Construction



The bid was structured to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder providing a responsive bid based on the lump sum cost for concrete replacement on the sidewalk adjacent to the south door at the Naperville Metra 4th Avenue train station. The bid also requested the cost for two optional projects. Option #1 is for the replacement of the south entry doors and vestibule and Option #2 is for the replacement of the north entry doors and vestibule.


Vendor Name

Option #1

Option #2

Berglund Construction Company



RoMAAS, Inc.




Staff recommends awarding the Base Project, Option #1 and Option #2 to RoMAAS Inc.  which includes the sidewalk concrete replacement and the replacement of the south and north entry doors and vestibule. Work will begin on October 7, 2019 with a completion date of December 13, 2019. PBO staff will work with Communications, TED Business Group and the BNSF to inform the commuters about the proposed work.


The scope of work is limited to the area adjacent to the building and will supplement the improvements that will be part of the 5th Avenue redevelopment.



CIP #: MB180, MB204


4th Avenue Train Station improvements are expensed to the to building improvements account listed below as part of the Capital Improvement Program.  A total of $65,000 is budgeted for MB180, Train Station Platform, Walkway and Stairwell Repair Program, in 2019.  In addition, a total of $150,000 is budgeted for MB204, ADA Transition Plan Improvements, in 2019.  The requested award of $159,900 is within the budgeted amount for this expense.


The City will receive a reimbursement from CBDG Grant for $113,800 for door replacements and concrete repairs associated with the project.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Commuter Parking Fund



Capital Projects Fund



*Per Council directive, contingency on construction projects is set at 3% on projects over $500,000 and 5% on projects under $500,000.