Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 18-277, Fire Department Ambulance Replacement, to Foster Coach Sales for an amount not to exceed $265,392.00
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
Unit 338 was reviewed and approved by the Fleet Economic Committee and Fleet Services Manager for replacement in the CY2018 budget. Vehicles are evaluated for replacement based on four criteria: age, usage, condition and repair costs. A vehicle must receive a score of 28.0 or greater to be recommend for replacement. The vehicle exceeds the minimum score as shown in the table below.
Unit# |
Year |
Amortized Life Cycle |
Replacement Age |
Minimum Criteria |
Scored Criteria |
Hour Guidelines |
Usage Hours |
Repair Costs |
338 |
2004 |
9 |
14.1 years |
28 |
36.56 |
6,000 |
7,851 |
$76,538.22 |
Ambulance unit 338 is used by the Fire Department to respond to medical emergencies in the City. The service life for all ambulances was increased from eight to nine years in the fleet replacement model; five years as a front-line unit and four years as a reserve unit. This unit qualified for replacement in CY17 but was delayed because it was acting as a reliable reserve unit, and Fleet Services was confident that it would last through 2018.
The governing board of the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative approved the award of SPC Contract # 174 to Foster Coach Sales for Horton Emergency Vehicles. Using the City’s specifications, Foster Coach Sales has quoted the Horton Ambulance in the amount of $265,392.00; a cost breakdown is provided below:
Original Price |
Less Cooperative Discount |
Less Trade-In |
Net Price |
$269,992.00 |
$4,600.00 |
$0 |
$265,392.00 |
The replacement vehicle will be delivered approximately 290 days after receipt of order. The existing Unit 388 will be sold at Auction.
CIP #: N/A
The Fire Department Ambulance Replacement is expensed to the vehicles and equipment account below. A total of $265,000 has been budgeted for the replacement of Unit 338 in 2018. The slight overage will be accommodated by savings in other line items.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
22252200-551505 |
Capital Projects Fund |
$1,682,000 |