Conduct the public hearing to consider a variance to allow a principal structure to encroach into the rear yard setback at 1520 N Loomis St - PZC 24-1-011
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Brad Iwicki, Assistant Planner
1. A variance from Section 6-6A-7:1 (R1A/Yard Requirements) of the Code to allow the principal structure to encroach approximately 6.15 feet into the required rear yard setback
Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 24-1-011 was published in the Naperville Sun on March 17, 2024.
The petitioner, Caitlin Csuk, Rosanova & Whitaker, Ltd., submitted a petition on behalf of the owners, William and Sonia Buchar, for the subject property generally located on the east side of Loomis Street north of Bauer Road and zoned R1A Planned Unit Development (Low Density Single-Family Residence District Planned Unit Development) (“PUD”). The property is approximately 1.776 acres located in the Maple Terrace Unit 3 PUD and is improved with a two-story single-family structure built in 1904, detached garage, and shed.
The proposed scope of work for this project includes a breezeway addition connecting the detached garage to the existing principal structure and a garage addition as depicted on the site plan included in the attachments. Currently, the detached garage is compliant with the Naperville Municipal Code (“the Code”) Section 6-2-10: -Accessory Buildings, Structures, and Uses of Land. Upon connection of the detached garage and the principal structure, the garage becomes part of the principal structure and shall comply with the R1A yard requirements, requiring a 30-foot rear yard setback. The proposed improvements require approval of a variance to allow the principal structure to encroach into the required rear yard setback. There are no additional regulations, standards, or criteria established with the Maple Terrace Unit 3 PUD that impact the proposed improvements.
The petitioner is seeking to construct a breezeway addition to the principal structure and a garage addition. The breezeway addition is approximately 552 square feet and will be constructed at the northeast corner of the principal structure, connecting with the east wall of the existing detached garage. The breezeway will provide more easily accessible ingress and egress from the outdoors and the garage. The petitioner also proposes a garage addition that is 413 square feet and constructed on the south wall of the existing detached garage. To make these improvements possible, the petitioner is requesting approval of a variance from Section 6-6A-7:1 (R1A/Yard Requirements) of the Code to allow the principal structure to encroach approximately 6.15 feet into the required rear yard setback. If the plans are approved, approximately 95 square feet of the principal structure will be located in the required rear yard of the subject property.
The required rear yard setback is in place to provide a consistent distance from the property line to the principal structures throughout the neighborhood, allowing for a specific neighborhood character. Neither the breezeway addition nor garage addition will be visible from the public right-or-way with a sight line perpendicular to the primary façade. Staff is supportive of the variances requested since the breezeway and garage addition are being constructed within the required zoning district setbacks and is not in full view from the right-of-way. Additionally, staff notes that the existing location of the garage has not generated any complaints from adjacent properties, and the proposed additions will not bring the structures any closer to the adjacent properties.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Variance can be found in the attachments. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends their adoption by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Key Takeaways
The petitioner requests approval of a variance to the required rear yard setback in order to construct a breezeway addition and garage addition that results in the principal structure encroaching approximately 6.15 feet into the 30-foot required rear yard setback.