Conduct the public hearing to consider the Land Use Master Plan - PZC 19-1-134
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Amy Emery, AICP, Sara Kopinski, AICP
1. Update the official land use master plan of the City, as referenced in Title 1, Chapter 11 of the Naperville Municipal Code.
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) conducted a public hearing regarding the proposed Land Use Master Plan update on March 4, 2020. Following public testimony, the PZC made a motion to approve the proposed Land Use Master Plan; this motion failed (vote 7-0). The PZC was concerned about the recommended single residential land use category on the Future Land Use Map. Several residents expressed shared their concern about the approach as well. Based on the concerns raised by the PZC and public, on January 5, 2021 City Council directed staff to make revisions to Land Use Master Plan to provide three categories of residential density, similar to prior plans. This action directly addresses the concerns expressed by the PZC and public in early 2020. Official notice for the public hearing for PZC 19-1-134 was published in the Daily Herald on November 29, 2021, December 1, 2021, and December 6, 2021.
The City’s land use master plan serves as a guide for growth and development in the City, providing direction to those seeking to develop their land, as well as decision makers who approve requests. In 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare an update to the City’s comprehensive plan. This action was taken following the review of several development projects in which the proposed use was inconsistent with the adopted future land use for the property. The situation was attributed to the fact that Naperville’s Comprehensive Plan, first adopted in 1960, with multiple sub-area plans and implementation tools subsequently approved over the last 10-25 years, is outdated. As such, a new plan is needed to provide relevant direction to those seeking to develop land, those living adjacent to vacant sites, and city leaders responsible for making development approval decisions.
In March 2020, the PZC reviewed the draft Land Use Master Plan prepared by the City’s planning consultant. The PZC expressed appreciation for the new, user-friendly document format, focus on key development sites, and guiding principles. Furthermore, the PZC appreciated that the new plan consolidates area and sub-area plans into a single, streamlined document which provides clarity and transparency for citizens, developers and community leaders alike.
During this meeting, the PZC also raised significant concern about the use of a single residential category on the Future Land Use Map. They unanimously preferred more refined density recommendations (low, medium, high) - similar to the residential approach used in prior plans. The PZC did not believe the single category would provide clear direction for making recommendations on residential development projects. Public in attendance at the meeting testified with similar objections. Aside from concerns noted regarding the single residential category, the PZC was largely supportive of the remaining plan recommendations.
City Council Recommendation
Understanding the importance of the residential approach and its impact on the overall plan document, staff sought City Council feedback on the proposed residential approach before presenting any formal action to approve the updated Land Use Master Plan.
After thorough consideration of the PZC recommendation and additional public input, on January 5, 2021 the Naperville City Council directed staff to make specific changes to the plan. Based on City Council direction, and development approvals since March 2020, staff has:
• Updated Future Land Use Map to include low, medium and high density residential designations
• Reduced the number of key sites due to project approvals and construction
A complete summary of changes is available in the attachments. It is important to note that City Council expressed support, in harmony with the input of the PZC and public, with the following items which remain unchanged in the plan:
• Guiding Principles
• Plan focus on key development sites as places for redevelopment, including potential for achieving future housing goals
• Option for adding housing in commercial areas
• Land use recommendations for commercial corridors and neighborhood, urban and regional centers.
• Recommendations to develop zoning amendments to accommodate new residential uses - small lot single-family, tiny homes, accessory dwellings, etc. - to address market trends and community need
City Council directed the revised document be returned to the PZC for its review and recommendation prior to returning to City Council for final action.
Next Steps
The PZC is being asked to facilitate a focused review of the plan revisions and provide a recommendation on the overall plan document. The PZC action and public hearing input will be provided to City Council as they consider the request to formally adopt the Land Use Master Plan update.