File #: 22-0363    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/9/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/5/2022 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Bid 22-006, 2022 Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance Program, to Schroeder & Schroeder Inc, for an amount not to exceed $996,945.00, plus a 3% contingency
Attachments: 1. MP004, 2. MP009
Related files: 23-1302, 22-0405




Approve the award of Bid 22-006, 2022 Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance Program, to Schroeder & Schroeder Inc, for an amount not to exceed $996,945.00, plus a 3% contingency



DEPARTMENT:                     Transportation, Engineering and Development


SUBMITTED BY:                     William J. Novack, Director





The Transportation, Engineering, and Development (TED) Business Group is responsible for the maintenance of the City’s sidewalk system. The Street Maintenance Improvement Program (MIP) includes projects to maintain roadways and the adjacent pedestrian network. These projects offer a programmatic approach to ensure the City is improving safety concerns and in compliance with ADA standards. Additionally, the City repairs sidewalks on a complaint-driven basis for all properties across the City each year. Repairs are performed to reduce long-term maintenance costs and limit exposure to claims against the City.


For more than 20 years, the sidewalk and curb maintenance program has been performed annually at locations throughout the City to keep the public sidewalk system in good condition. Last year, over 5.34 miles of substandard sidewalks were repaired through City programs.


In February 2022, the TED Business Group issued bid 22-006, 2022 Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance Program seeking a contractor to complete repair and replacement of various sidewalk, driveway, curb, and structure conditions throughout the City confirmed to meet established criteria for replacement. In total, 1,010 locations were found to require improvements to be made through this project.




Advertisement Date:


Notices Sent:


Opening Date:






Proposals Received:



Bids were received from the following vendors:


Vendor Name

Proposed Cost

Schroeder & Schroeder Inc


Engineer’s Estimate


Globe Construction


Sumit Construction Co



The TED Business Group recommends award to Schroeder & Schroeder Inc which had previously completed this program in 2019 and 2021 to the satisfaction of the City.


The substantial completion date of the project is August 12, 2022. The final completion date is October 7, 2022.  



CIP#                     MP004; MP009


The 2022 budget includes $500,000 for the Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance Program (MP004). The requested amount of $499,330.00 is within budget and is expensed to the following account.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Capital Projects



Additionally, the 2022 budget includes $12,000,000 for the Street Maintenance Improvement Program (MP009), which includes concrete work identified as part of the program. The requested amount of $476,107.50 is within budget and is expensed to the account below.


Account NumberFund DescriptionTotal Budget Amount




Bond Fund



Finally, the Department of Public Works identified select locations which require sidewalk and curb repairs following utility work completed by the City. These locations are near those included in the Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance Program, and including these repairs in this contract will provide cost savings and increased efficiency. The total request of $21,507.50 is within budget and is expensed to the accounts below.


Account NumberFund DescriptionTotal Budget Amount




General Fund



Electric Utility



Water Capital



Water Utility



* Per Council directive, contingency on construction projects is set at 3% on projects over $500,000 and 5% on projects under $500,000.