File #: 19-302    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 3/20/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/3/2019 Final action: 4/3/2019
Title: Approve the award of Bid 19-061, Landscape Maintenance, Mowing, and Herbicide Services, to Groundworks Land Design, Local Lawn Care and Landscaping, Americana Landscape Group and Twin Oaks Landscaping for an amount not to exceed $991,223.72 and for a two-year period
Attachments: 1. 2019 Mowing Locations




Approve the award of Bid 19-061, Landscape Maintenance, Mowing, and Herbicide Services, to Groundworks Land Design, Local Lawn Care and Landscaping, Americana Landscape Group and Twin Oaks Landscaping for an amount not to exceed $991,223.72 and for a two-year period



DEPARTMENT:                     Department of Public Works


SUBMITTED BY:                     Richard Dublinski, Director





The Department of Public Works (DPW) and Naper Settlement are responsible for the landscape maintenance, mowing, and herbicide of 175 city-owned sites.  Previously, DPW and Naper Settlement administered four separate mowing contracts and two herbicide contracts.  The mowing contracts were divided between city sites north of 75th Street, south of 75th Street, those requiring special landscape maintenance throughout the city, and the Naper Settlement Museum Campus. 


In addition to mowing the city sites, the City has intergovernmental agreements with DuPage County and the Illinois Department of Transportation to mow along state and county rights-of-way.  The agreement with DuPage County provides for the City to mow County owned properties and for the County to reimburse the City for these services.  The State agreements do not provide for reimbursement.


This year, in an effort to reduce costs, improve contractor efficiency, and improve coordination of mowing and herbicide services, all landscape maintenance, mowing, and herbicide services for the City and Naper Settlement were combined into one bid. The bid divided the city into four quadrants and the Naper Settlement museum campus.  A map showing the five geographical areas is attached.  Unlike the previous contracts where contractors were required to perform services in various parts of the city, awarding based upon geographical locations improves contractor efficiency and coordination of services by focusing their efforts in their designated area. The contractors will be required to provide services ranging from the basic mowing and herbicide services required for medians, rights-of-ways, and parking lots to the higher levels of landscaping services needed for city buildings such as the Municipal Center. 


Under this contract, all weekly city sites will be mowed 30 times per year, weather permitting.  The Naper Settlement scope under the new contract has been adjusted to reflect current and forecasted maintenance and lawn care needs, which are impacted by the increased use of the site. Under this contract, Naper Settlement will be mowed 34 times per year and will include garden maintenance, spring and fall clean up, mulch, herbicide and additional lawn services. 




Advertisement Date:


Notices Sent:


Opening Date:






Proposals Received:



Bids were received from the following vendors:


Vendor Name

K&D Enterprise Landscape Construction Inc.

Groundworks Land Design

Local Lawn Care & Landscaping

Twin Oaks Landscaping

Americana Landscape Group, Inc.


The bid was structured to allow for multiple awards based on the lowest Total Base Bid for each geographical location.  Awarding to multiple vendors allows the City and Naper Settlement to have more resources to effectively manage landscape maintenance issues throughout the season.  The following table shows the annual costs for two lowest bidders by geographical area:



Quad 1

Quad 2

Quad 3

Quad 4


Ground Works






Local Lawn












Twin Oaks






K&D Enterprise







Per the bid document, if a bidder is the low bidder in more than one geographical area, the City would evaluate its capacity to perform the work in multiple geographical areas and award a geographical area to the second lowest responsive, if it is determined that the low bidder does not have the capacity to perform the work in multiple areas.


Local Lawn Care and Landscaping was the low bidder for city quadrants 1 and 2.  Following the bid opening, City staff spoke with Local Lawn Care to discuss the scope of services to ensure that they had enough manpower and equipment to perform both quadrants.  Following these discussions, Local Lawn Care indicated that they would not have the necessary resources to successfully manage both quadrants.  It was determined that Local Lawn Care would be awarded quadrant 1, and the next low bidder, Americana Landscape Group, would be awarded the work for quadrant 2.  The additional per year cost for Americana to perform the services is only $1,164.


Groundworks Land Design was the low bidder for quadrants 3 and 4.  After discussion with Groundworks Land Design, staff is satisfied that they have the necessary resources to complete both quadrants.  Groundworks Land Design provided mowing services for all sites south of 75th street under the previous contract, and they have proven that they have the manpower and equipment to manage both quadrants.  As such, staff is recommending that Groundworks Land Design be awarded both quadrants 3 and 4.


The table below shows the recommended base award for each geographical area:



Quad 1

Quad 2

Quad 3

Quad 4



Ground Works







Local Lawn














Twin Oaks















In addition to the base bids, the city and Naper Settlement also asked the bidders to provide pricing for optional additional work in case conditions warrant additional services, such as new sites and extra work.   Based upon the pricing received by the vendors, DPW is requesting an annual 10% allowance in the amount of $40,839 to cover these optional costs.  Additionally, Naper Settlement is requesting an additional annual amount of $8,021 for extra work.  The allowances will only be used if needed.


The bid prices were based upon work for one year.  The table below provides a total cost breakdown for the City and Naper Settlement over the two-year contract period.




Naper Settlement

Annual Base Cost



Extra Work Allowance



Annual Award Amount



Two Year Contract Total




The term of the contract is two years from April 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020 with consideration for three additional one-year options to extend. 



CIP #: N/A


Landscape Maintenance, Mowing and Herbicide is expensed to the operational service accounts below.  A total of $428,660 has been budgeted for these services in 2019 for City sites.  An additional $135,000 has been budgeted for these services for Naper Settlement.  The requested annual award of $991,223.72 exceeds the budgeted amount for this expense due to the 10% allowance for the City and additional $8,021 for the Settlement.  If work outside the base scopes for both City & Settlement is needed, the overage will be accommodated by savings in other programs. 


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


General Fund



Commuter Parking Fund



Electric Utility Fund



Water Utilities Fund



Test Track Fund



SSA #26 Fund



Naper Settlement Fund
