Concur with staff’s recommendation to remove speaker time limitations during the ICN public hearing
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
PZC discussion of this item is scheduled for 8/4/21.
Per Section 6 of Article V (Public Comment and Testimony) of the PZC bylaws, members of the public who are interested in the subject matter of the Petition (“Interested Persons”) shall be allocated time to speak with regard to the Petition and to present testimony of witnesses and other evidence relevant to the case.
At the start of the period for public comments, testimony and general questions, the Chairman may advise the public:
a) Any individual providing public comment and testimony must be acknowledged by the Chairman and shall speak from the podium. The Speaker shall state the city, county and state (if other than Illinois) in which he or she resides, and briefly describe the nature of his or her interest in the Petition;
b) Speakers shall avoid repetitive comments, testimony and questions; and
c) Individuals speaking on the same issue should coordinate testimony to the extent possible in order to promote an efficient hearing, including selection of a representative to speak on behalf of a group where appropriate.
ICN Public Testimony to Date
The PZC conducted several lengthy remote hearings where the ICN petition was considered. On April 21, 2021, in order to provide adequate opportunity for presentation of the ICN case and for public testimony and cross-examination in a reasonable timeframe, the PZC concurred with a recommendation from staff that the following approach to testimony be adopted by the PZC:
§ Each individual signed up to provide testimony was to be allocated 6 minutes plus unlimited time for cross-examination;
§ Individuals signed up to provide testimony on behalf of a homeowner’s association or other group were to be allocated 20 minutes plus unlimited time for cross-examination;
§ If a speaker did not conclude their testimony within the timeframes above, they could submit their comments in written form. Said written comments were provided to the PZC, posted on the City’s website, and added to the case record; and
§ Cross-examination would be subject to rules set forth in Section 7 of the PZC bylaws.
Return to In-Person Meetings
In the staff report presented at the April 21, 2021 PZC meeting, it was noted that City Council and Board and Commission meetings would return to in-person status in the near future and that staff would work with the PZC and notify the public as to when that would occur and how that might affect public participation.
The return to in-person status requires members of the public wishing to provide testimony or to cross-examine witnesses during the hearing to sign up in-person on the day of the meeting outside of City Council Chambers between 6:30 and 6:50 p.m. The PZC will then call the names of those signed up to speak at the appropriate time during the PZC hearing. Speakers are called in the order they sign up. In addition, members of the public who are present and who did not sign up to speak, or who did speak but who have additional comments, are given an opportunity to speak before the petitioner’s closing comments.
The August 4, 2021 PZC meeting will be the first PZC meeting where the ICN public hearing will be reconvened in-person. Staff recommends removing speaker time limitations as the ICN hearing continues in-person.
Proposed Action By PZC
Concur with staff’s recommendation to removing speaker time limitations during the ICN public hearing.