File #: 24-0626    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 5/14/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/21/2024 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 24-144, Multi-Functional Copiers Cost-Per-Copy Program Phase Four, to Canon Solutions America, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $238,890 and for a five-year term




Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 24-144, Multi-Functional Copiers Cost-Per-Copy Program Phase Four, to Canon Solutions America, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $238,890 and for a five-year term



DEPARTMENT:                     Information Technology


SUBMITTED BY:                     Jacqueline Nguyen, Director of Information Technology





The Reprographics Division of the Information Technology Department (IT) manages the City’s multi-functional copiers, which include copy, print, scan, and fax capabilities. This is the IT’s standard offering for printing/scanning across all City departments.


In 2015, RFP 15-181 resulted in awarding a Cost-per-Copy Program to Canon. This program consists of four Printer Groups with four non-coterminous contracts, each with a five-year term. The Cost-per-Copy-Program pricing and terms include all costs (copier/printer/scanner equipment, ink, maintenance, and support). It does not include paper. Under this program, the start dates of the four Printer Group contracts are staggered over four years. This enables IT to stagger printer deployments and replacements over multiple years, which helps lower operational costs and improve operational efficiencies.


This Cooperative Contract was not available when the program began in 2015. At this time three of the four Printer Group contracts have been replaced with cooperative contracts. Only Printer Group 4 remains to be replaced under the OMNIA cooperative contract.



This Cooperative Procurement is requested to address the final Printer Group contract, Printer Group 4, that has not yet been replaced with a cooperative contract. Staff has identified an approved cooperative contract, OMNIA Contract# #2020002755, through Canon Solutions America, Inc., for the procurement of Multi-Functional Copiers Cost-per-Copy Program - Printer Group 4.


The term of the contract is from June 1, 2024, through May 31, 2029.





The cost-per-copy program is expensed to the account number listed below. A total of $138,000 is approved as part of the 2024 budget for all phases of the program. Based on historical averages for Phases I through III, it is anticipated that there will be sufficient funds to cover Phase IV costs in the current year. Future costs will be allocated during each respective budget cycle for the remainder of the program. Staff will monitor expenditures to ensure compliance with budgetary guidelines.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


General Fund
