File #: 21-0549    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/21/2021 In control: City Manager Procurement Awards
On agenda: 6/1/2021 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of RFQ 21-163, Springbrook Water Reclamation Center Structural Engineering, to Deuchler Engineering Corporation for an amount not to exceed $29,044 for a seven-month term
Attachments: 1. WW041
Related files: 18-455, 22-0078, 21-1037
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Approve the award of RFQ 21-163, Springbrook Water Reclamation Center Structural Engineering, to Deuchler Engineering Corporation for an amount not to exceed $29,044 for a seven-month term



DEPARTMENT:                     Water Utilities


SUBMITTED BY:                     Darrell Blenniss, Director



In March 2018, the Water Utilities completed a Request for Qualifications (RFQ-18-064) for engineering services for water and wastewater projects for a three-year term from July 30, 2018 through July 29, 2021 with four, one-year options to extend. Five consultants were shortlisted due to the process. The consultants are:


Crawford Murphy & Tilly, Inc.

Walter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc.

Donohue & Associates, Inc.

Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc.

Strand Associates, Inc.


In March 2021, the Water Utilities issued RFQ 21-163 to hire a consulting firm to provide technical assistance and experience with five structural engineering tasks at Springbrook Water Reclamation Center. The work includes the following tasks:


                     Evaluate conveyor supports in the biosolids holding building

                     Evaluate significant settlement issue on the east end sidewalk in the center of the aeration tanks. Research and investigate alternatives to restore water tightness and prevent additional settlement.

                     Evaluate the west perimeter of the aeration tank walkway expansion joint through the influent channel to determine cause of leakage.

                     Evaluate the northwest knockout panel and develop a detail and specification to make a permanent repair of this area.

                     Evaluate the northeast knockout panel, pilaster and adjacent wall, which depreciated and cracked.


For each task, the consultant will perform a field investigation, develop a preliminary report and prepare an engineer’s opinion of probable construction cost and a final report that includes design details, drawings and specifications suitable for inclusion in a construction bid contract package, signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed structural engineer. The consultant’s details, drawings and specifications will be incorporated into a bid package assembled by city staff to complete structural repairs.



Advertisement Date: 3/29/2021                                          Notices Sent:                            5

Opening Date:          4/20/2021               Planholders:         5

                                                                                                                   Quotes Received: 3


Proposals were received from the following firms:


                     Deuchler Engineering Corporation

           Donohue & Associates, Inc.

           Strand and Associates, Inc. 


The following two firms declined to submit proposals:


                     Crawford Murphy and Tilly (CMT)

                     Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.


Water Utilities believes the level of expertise and quoted pricing is reasonable and recommends hiring Deuchler Engineering Corporation. Strand and Associates quote is $31,460 and Donohue & Associates quote is $34,510 for the engineering services.


The term of the contract is to begin May 15, 2021. All structural engineering is to be complete by July 15, 2021, with final construction completed for each task on November 15, 2021.



CIP: WW041


Consultant services for repair projects at Springbrook Water Reclamation Facility are expensed to the infrastructure account listed below, as part of the capital improvement program. A total of $415,950 is budgeted for WW041 in 2021. The requested award is within budget.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Water & Wastewater Fund
