Approve the award of Bid 24-181, Biosolids Holding Tank - Phase II, to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $3,140,000 plus a 3% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
In 2021, the City retained Donohue & Associates, Inc. to develop a Springbrook Water Reclamation Center Facility Plan. The plan aims to achieve regulatory compliance while addressing the aging infrastructure. One identified need in the Facilities Plan was an additional biosolids holding tank. This tank would increase storage capacity, meet future treatment requirements, and provide operational flexibility.
To support the City’s priority of providing infrastructure, electric service, and water/wastewater services that are reliable and safe, in November 2024, Water Utilities issued Bid 24-181 for the Biosolids Holding Tank Phase II project. The scope of work includes:
1. Construction of a new biosolids holding tank with a mixer/aerator,
2. Demolition of existing biosolids holding tank structure No. 130,
3. Removal of equipment and appurtenances from sludge mixing pump building,
4. Installation of two new blowers,
5. Construction of a new catwalk connecting the existing biosolids tank and the new biosolids tank, and
6. Process piping, civil/site, electrical, plumbing, and instrumentation control construction.
Advertise Date: 11/19/2024 Notices Sent: 251
Bid Opening: 12/19/2024 Planholders: 19
Proposals Received: 2
Completed bids were received from the following vendors:
Vendors Name |
Proposed Cost |
Williams Brothers Construction Inc. |
$3,140,000.00 |
Engineer’s Estimates |
$3,174,659.00 |
Vissering Construction Company |
$3,270,000.00 |
William Brothers Construction, Inc. has extensive experience in wastewater treatment plant construction projects and is currently working on other sizeable improvement projects at Springbrook Wastewater Treatment Plant. Staff recommends awarding the project to William Brothers Construction, Inc.
The completion date of this project is May 14, 2027.
CIP #: WW042 - SWRC Biosolids Holding Tank Phase II
The 2025 budget allocates $3,044,600 million for construction, and an additional $93,000 for design completion, totaling $3,137,600 for this project. The requested award, including the contingency, exceeds the construction budget by $189,600. The shortfall will be covered by underspending on other projects, such as the West Waterworks and Pressure Adjusting Station 15E Improvements. This project is an eligible use of phosphorus funds.
Staff will monitor expenditures to ensure they are within the approved budget
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Proposed Budget |
41251500-551502 |
Water Utilities Fund |
$68,654,488 |
Per Council directive, contingencies on construction projects are set at 3% on projects over $500,000 and 5% on projects under $500,000.