File #: 22-0197    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/3/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/5/2022 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Option Year One to Contract 20-087, Brush Collection Services, to Steve Piper and Sons and Trees "R" Us, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $208,852 and for a one-year term
Related files: 21-0886, 20-309




Approve the award of Option Year One to Contract 20-087, Brush Collection Services, to Steve Piper and Sons and Trees “R” Us, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $208,852 and for a one-year term



DEPARTMENT:                     Department of Public Works


SUBMITTED BY:                     Richard Dublinski, Director





As part of the City’s annual Brush Collection Program, the Department of Public Works (DPW) collects branches in bulk placed along the curbside by residents each May. This program has been contracted in its entirety since 2017. The work is performed by two separate crews of two to three workers using a chipping device towed behind a truck with an enclosed chip box or grapple equipment capable of loading brush. The work performed under this contract includes all necessary equipment and personnel required to perform brush collection. 


In April 2020, the City Council approved the award of Bid 20-087, for a two-year term with four one-year options to extend. 


On July 20, 2021, the City Council approved Change Order #1 to fund the emergency clean-up and special collection that was conducted by Steve Piper and Sons and Trees “R” Us following the June 2021 tornado. 



Both vendors, Steve Piper and Sons and Tree “R” Us performed well during the original two-year award and during the emergency clean-up and the special brush collection.


Steve Piper and Sons requested a 5% increase due to increasing fuel and labor costs. Tree “R” Us agreed to maintain existing rates for the first option year.  Even with the 5% increase, Steve Piper’s costs continue to be less than Tree “R” Us.  The City continues to find great value in using two contractors for citywide brush pick-up.


The term of this first option year is May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023 with three one-year options available.



CIP: # N/A


The Brush Collection Program is expensed to the Operational Services account below.  A total of $211,200 is budgeted for this program in 2022.  The requested award of $208,852 is within the budgeted amount for this expense.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


General Fund
