File #: 20-1065    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 9/9/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/6/2020 Final action: 10/6/2020
Title: Approve the award of Bid 20-317, 2020 Traffic Light LED Replacement Program, to Electric Conduit Construction, for an amount not to exceed $162,657.64, plus a 5% contingency
Attachments: 1. CIP Page
Related files: 21-0534, 21-0224




Approve the award of Bid 20-317, 2020 Traffic Light LED Replacement Program, to Electric Conduit Construction, for an amount not to exceed $162,657.64, plus a 5% contingency



DEPARTMENT:                     Transportation, Engineering and Development


SUBMITTED BY:                     William J. Novack, Director





In August 2020, the Transportation, Engineering and Development Department (TED) issued Bid 20-317, 2020 Traffic Light LED Replacement Program, to replace the LED lamps and do related work on traffic signals at 37 intersections and to install pedestrian signals at the intersection of Van Buren Street and Washington Street.


The existing LED lamps in most of the intersections in this contract were installed between 2011 and 2013, so they meet or exceed their anticipated five to seven-year design life.  While individual lamps that fail sporadically can be replaced through the Traffic Signal Maintenance contract, it is better for safety reasons to systematically replace them before they dim to substandard illumination levels or fail completely.  Other related work, such as replacing the downtown LED blank-out signs and painting peeling signal backplates, will also be performed while the contractor is working at the intersection.


Downtown businesses have requested a new crosswalk on the south side of Van Buren Street and Washington Street, and the City is partnering with the Central Park Place developer to install the requested crosswalk.  While the developer is making the necessary modifications to the sidewalk, the City will make the necessary modifications to the signal, including installing new pedestrian signal heads and pushbuttons as part of this contract.




Advertisement Date:


Notices Sent:


Opening Date:






Proposals Received:



Bids were received from the following vendors:


Vendor Name

Proposed Cost

Engineer’s Estimate


Electric Conduit Construction


Carlisle Utility Contractors, Inc


H&H Electric Co.


Thorne Electric, Inc.


Meade Electric Company Inc


Home Towne Electric Inc



The contractor will have 90 calendar days from the date that the materials are ordered to complete the project.



CIP #: TC184


The Traffic Light LED Replacement Program is expensed to the Infrastructure account listed below.  This work is related to TC184, LED Replacement program, for which $250,000 was budgeted for in 2020.  The requested award is within the budgeted amount for this expense.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Bond Fund






*Per Council directive, contingency on construction projects is set at 3% on projects over $500,000 and 5% on projects under $500,000.