Pass the ordinance amending Chapter 3 (Required Improvements) of Title 7 (Subdivision Regulations) regarding student generation rates for residential developments proposed within the boundaries of Indian Prairie Community Unit School District No. 204
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Allison Laff, AICP, Deputy Director
The City Council held the first reading of this ordinance on April 7, 2021. There were no speakers.
On February 2, 2021, City Council initiated, at the request from Indian Prairie Community
Unit School District No. 204 (“SD204”), an amendment to the generation tables included in Section 7-3-5 of the City’s Land Cash Ordinance specific to the school district. SD204 made this request based on discrepancies observed between the school-aged children estimated by the current tables set forth in the Land Cash Ordinance and the actual school-aged children being generated within built developments. SD204 has submitted a 19/20 Generation Analysis and an updated Generation Table, both prepared by RSP (see attached). Per the findings of the report prepared for SD204, the existing generation tables in the Naperville Municipal Code:
- Overestimate the number of school-aged children being generated by detached single-family homes; and
- Underestimate the number of school-aged children being generated by attached single-family homes and apartments.
SD204 is proposing that the City Council amend the Land Cash Ordinance population generation estimates to be consistent with the above findings. As an example, the amended tables would impact the cash-in-lieu of land donation per development type as follows:

SD204 is not seeking any updates to the fair market value for school land or the number of acres required to serve the school needs of the school-aged children generated by a development. SD204 has concurrently submitted a request to the City of Aurora to update the school generation tables which are applicable to residential developments proposed within SD204’s boundary in Aurora.
First Reading held on April 7, 2021- No speakers
The City Council held a first reading. There were no speakers and the City Council:
• Confirmed changes are only being made to SD204 generation tables based on their findings of development patterns and housing demands within the boundaries of the District. Neither the Naperville Park District nor Naperville Community School District 203 are seeking amendments. Staff contacted these agencies earlier this year and confirmed they have no intention to update their respective generation tables. They may seek an update in the future, subject to completion of a study, paid for by the requesting tax body, to demonstrate the need for any change.
• Discussed the potential impact on affordable housing by changing the fees. Staff agreed any fee increase has the potential to impact affordability, but noted that the City’s ordinance does include exception provisions to allow developers to appeal fees. As such, the City Council can consider appeals to accommodate affordable housing projects.
• Asked if the changes will impact the type of housing and demand for units in SD204. Staff noted that participants at the March 11, 2021 public meeting included several developers, none of whom expressed any concern about the ordinance impacting demand or modifying their plans for future housing product offerings in SD204. Staff reached out to developer attendees after the Council meeting to confirm they have no concerns.
Community Input
City staff hosted a virtual public meeting on March 11, 2021 during which representatives from SD204 and RSP (SD204’s consultant) presented their findings. More than 100 interested parties, including the Illinois Homebuilders Association, local residential developers, and local attorneys, were invited to the meeting and given an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions regarding the proposed amendment. A project web page was also created to allow interested parties to review the proposed information and submit questions. No changes have been made to the information in the ordinance based on input received. The ordinance language reflects the recommendations recommended by RSP.
All school/park donations collected by the City are directly transferred to the respective districts. If the requested amendment is approved, City revenues will not be impacted.