Approve the recommendation to establish one-way and two-way stop controls for streets within the Atwater subdivision
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Michael Prousa, TED Project Manager
When larger subdivisions approach build-out and the streets have been turned to the City for maintenance, staff evaluates the area to establish speed limits and basic right of way controls. In October, staff presented TAB with a recommendation to establish the speed limits within the Atwater subdivision. Both TAB and City Council approved the ordinance associated with these speed limits. A follow up item with a recommendation to establish the right of way controls in Atwater is being provided for TAB’s consideration.
Atwater is a newer subdivision bordered by Diehl Road (north), Fairway Drive (east), North Aurora Road (south), and Shore Road (west). The streets in Atwater are currently operating under temporary one-way (T intersections) and two-way stop controls that were put in place with the initial phases of the development. These were provided to accommodate construction traffic as well as facilitate traffic movement for the new residents.
The City applies various established federal, state, or local procedures in consideration of implementing stop controls depending on the street classification, type of stop control (all-way vs one/two way), or other considerations such as a school walk route. For a new subdivision, basic one-way and two-way stop controls are applied based on the authority of a municipality to designate stop control along a through street as allowed by Illinois Vehicle Code section 625 ILCS 5/11-302.
The City’s Master Thoroughfare Plan typically serves as a basis for designated the through streets. Since Atwater was not contemplated at the time of the last Master Thoroughfare Plan update, preliminary street classifications for the streets in this subdivision were assigned in coordination with the development based on their function and connectivity as defined in the Municipal Code. See Exhibit A. The Atwater streets will be formally adopted into the next update of Master Thoroughfare Plan along with other newer roadways.
Diehl Road and North Aurora Road are classified as Minor Arterials, Fairway Drive is classified as a Collector and Shore Road is classified as a Neighborhood Connector in the City’s Master Thoroughfare Plan. Preliminary designations for new streets in Atwater are as follows:
Neighborhood Connectors:
• Alderleaf Lane (Diehl Road to Country Club Boulevard)
• Balsam Cove Road (Shore Road to Alderleaf Lane)
• Basin Trail Lane (Country Club Boulevard to Alderleaf Lane)
• Bayou Path Drive (Alderleaf Lane to Coastal Sage Avenue)
• Country Club Boulevard (Basin Trail Lane to Fairway Drive)
• Coastal Sage Avenue (Bayou Path Drive to Fairway Drive)
All other streets are classified as Local/Residential streets.
Using these preliminary classifications to designate the Neighborhood Connectors as the through street at intersections with adjacent side streets, staff recommends establishment one-way and two-way stop control at the following intersections. These permanent stop controls match the temporary controls currently in place.
1. One-Way Stop of Balsam Cove Road for Shore Road
2. One-Way Stop of Balsam Cove Road for Alderleaf Lane
3. One-Way Stop of Basin Trail Lane for Alderleaf Lane
4. One-Way Stop of Country Club Boulevard for Basin Trail Lane
5. One-Way Stop of Bayou Path Drive for Alderleaf Lane
6. One-Way Stop of Coastal Sage Avenue for Fairway Drive
7. Two-Way Stop of Bayou Path Drive/Bayou Path Court for Coastal Sage Avenue/Coastal Sage Court
8. Two-Way Stop of Alderleaf Lane/Alderleaf Court for Country Club Boulevard
9. Two-Way Stop of Bayou Path Drive for Country Club Boulevard
In the future, staff will also evaluate all-way stop conditions per Naperville’s standard evaluation procedures as the subdivision matures.