File #: 23-0260    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/28/2023 In control: City Manager Procurement Awards
On agenda: 4/1/2023 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Procurement 22-100D, Ogden (90) Substation Circuit Shield Relay Upgrades, to Primera Engineers for an amount not to exceed $97,094
Attachments: 1. Proposal # 20230093
Related files: 22-0426, 24-0118
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Approve the award of Procurement 22-100D, Ogden (90) Substation Circuit Shield Relay Upgrades, to Primera Engineers for an amount not to exceed $97,094



DEPARTMENT:                     Electric Utility


SUBMITTED BY:                     Brian Groth, Director



The existing transformer 90XA and 90XB system protection schemes utilize old ABB Circuit Shield relays that have reached end of life at the Ogden substation. As a proactive measure, the Utility is replacing its aging relaying systems with modern microprocessor-based relaying. Microprocessor-based relays provide improved reliability, are more resistant to physical vibration/impacts, and have advanced monitoring functions such as self-checking and sequence of event recording.


In addition, the existing 12kV buses at Ogden substation do not have bus differential protection schemes instead relying on overcurrent protection to operate on a bus fault. Bus differential schemes operate quicker reducing the risk for equipment damage and improving ARC flash safety for employees working inside the substation. In addition, having bus differential on the buses will allow for auto transfer schemes greatly reducing outage times for residents. For these reasons it is the Utility’s long-term strategic goal to deploy bus differential on all of its 12kV buses.


In February 2022, the City Council awarded RFP 22-100, Transmission & Distribution Engineering Services, to Primera Engineers to offer supplemental engineering services to the Electric Utility on an as-needed basis for capital improvement and other projects.




Per the terms of the master services agreement, Electric staff requested a proposal to perform engineering design services to design the new system protection schemes at Ogden Substation.


The scope of the engineering services includes design, project management, and construction support services. Staff has confirmed Primera’s proposal is in accordance with pricing terms agreed to within the master services agreement. The completion date of this project is June 01, 2024.



CIP#: EU047


Relay upgrades are expensed to the Infrastructure account listed below. This work is related to EU047, which has a budget of $600,000 in 2023. The requested award is within the budgeted amount for this expense.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Electric Utility
