Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 24-019, 2024 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT South, to K-Five Construction Corporation for an amount not to exceed $221,334.57 and an additional one calendar day (Item 1 of 3)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, P.E., Director of Transportation, Engineering and Development/City Engineer
The other related items on the City Council agenda are:
• 25-0321: Adopt a supplemental resolution in the amount of $221,334.57 to allow expenditure of State Motor Fuel Tax Dollars to fund the 2024 Roadway Resurfacing - Motor Fuel Tax South (Item 2 of 3)
• 25-0322: Adopt a supplemental resolution in the amount of $218,893.37 to allow expenditure of State Motor Fuel Tax Dollars to fund the 2024 Roadway Resurfacing - Motor Fuel Tax North (Item 3 of 3)
The City Council awarded Contract 24-019 to K-Five Construction Corporation on May 21, 2024, with an approximate completion date of October 25, 2024. The purpose of this contract is to utilize state Motor Fuel Tax funds allocated to the City to resurface approximately 5.49 miles of local roads. The work also includes curb and gutter replacement, sidewalk replacement, ADA sidewalk improvements, and associated restoration as needed for the roads being resurfaced.
This Change Order is requested to authorize an additional $221,334.57 for increases in contract quantities versus planned quantities as well as costs attributable to the following additional items:
• Special manhole adjustments performed along 95th Street between 248th Street and IL Route 59 are not anticipated in the contract. There exist 4 manholes within the pavement along this stretch of roadway which were requested to be lowered prior to the asphalt grinding and subsequent asphalt paving. By performing this work prior to grinding and paving it created safer roadway conditions for motorists without the need to ramp the manholes which would otherwise stick up approximately four inches higher than the ground down pavement surrounding them. This work also enabled the contractor to continuously grind and pave asphalt without needing to navigate large equipment around these few manholes creating more uniform operations.
• Changing field conditions associated with the curb and gutter replacement along 95th Street between 248th Street and IL Route 59. The curb and gutter were poured as an integral part of the concrete road base so instead of simple removal as stipulated in the contract, the contractor was required to employ hand methods to cut the curb, break it apart, and remove it by hand. This work was labor intensive and took approximately three times longer than typical curb and gutter removal. Further, the curb section was exceptionally deep which made removal more difficult. The new curb and gutter that was installed by the contractor also needed to be extra deep to match the sections removed, which required concrete not anticipated in the contract. Three additional days were required to complete this work. This work was similar to the additional work required for the 2024 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT North (24-023).
• Remobilization the contractor to reconfigure an ADA ramp at the northwest corner of 95th Street and 248th Street. The ADA ramp installed and associated back curb to account for the lower elevation of the new ADA corner created complications with large groups of bicyclists attempting to navigate the corner and enter the Carillon Club to the north. After discussing the concerns with the Carillon Club residents, staff decided it was best to widen the ADA ramp to better accommodate these large groups of bicyclists who utilize the bike path along 248th Street heading south.
In addition to the work mentioned above, the contractor required only one additional day due to the delays caused by each item mentioned. The contractor was able to adjust their work plan to compensate for the majority of this extra work.
This contract was approved with a contingency in the amount of 3% ($124,893.80) of the original contract value and 29 days.
Staff requests the authorization of additional funds, usage of remaining contingency funds, and a contract extension of one day. A summary of the award and contingency amount is provided in the tables below.
Authorized Contingency |
Days |
Dollars |
Original Amount |
29 |
$124,893.80 |
(-) Previously Authorized |
0 |
$0 |
Subtotal |
29 |
$124,893.80 |
(-) This Change |
1 |
$221,334.57 |
Balance Left |
28 |
-$96,440.78 |
Contract Award
Original Contract Value |
$4,163,126.63 |
Prior Cumulative Approved Change Orders |
$0 |
Subtotal |
$4,163,126.63 |
(+/-) This Change Order |
$221,334.57 |
Total Contract Value |
$4,384,461.20 |
CIP #: MP009
The 2024 Street Resurfacing Program - MFT South is expensed to the Infrastructure account listed below. TED included $13,000,000 in the 2024 budget for work related to MP009. This change order uses the pre-approved contingency balance of $124,893.80, however, an additional $96,440.78 is needed to fully fund the increased cost of this work. This change can be accommodated within the 2024 MFT Fund budget due to previously approved budget amendments to increase the MFT budget and reduce the Capital Projects Fund budget to support two MFT programs in 2024.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
30282500-551502 |
Motor Fuel Tax Fund |
$12,342,268 |