Receive the staff report regarding the properties located at 1255 E Ogden Avenue and 1187 E Ogden Avenue (Costco) - PZC 20-1-003 (Item 1 of 4)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter on May 6, 2020 and voted to recommend approval of the request (Approved 9-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property consists of approximately 18.95 acres located at the northwest corner of Ogden Avenue and Naperville-Wheaton Road. The property is currently developed with an underperforming, multi-tenant commercial center. The petitioner proposes subdividing the property and redeveloping the northern portion with a members-only Costco retail warehouse. As part of the development proposal, the petitioner requests approval of: a conditional use for an automobile service station in the B2 zoning district; a variance to allow parking lot light pole height to exceed 25 ft. and measure 36.5 ft.; variances to allow wall/building signage to exceed the maximum permitted sign area of 300 square feet and measure 438 sq. ft. on the east elevation and 311 sq. ft. on the south elevation; and, a preliminary subdivision plat.
The subject property is located within the Ogden Avenue Corridor Enhancement Initiative (2008) <> (Ogden Plan) study area, and is currently governed by the plan’s specific goals and recommendations. Staff finds the petitioner’s proposal to be consistent with the recommendations of the Ogden Plan and is supportive of the petitioner’s proposal.
Conditional Use for an Automobile Service Station
Section 6-7B-3 (B2/Conditional Uses) <> classifies automobile service stations in the B2 zoning district as a conditional use. Staff’s analysis of the appropriateness of an automobile service station in this location considers zoning classifications and land uses in the surrounding area, as well as consistency with the Ogden Plan. The Ogden Plan establishes the eastern end of Ogden Avenue as the retail anchor of the Ogden Avenue corridor, and recommends focusing redevelopment on large-scale retail anchors while maintaining a mix of service businesses, retail and restaurants. Costco will function as a large-scale retail anchor in the east Ogden area, and further benefit the area with its regional draw. The automobile service station will serve as an accessory to the retail warehouse and provide a necessary service to Costco patrons. Furthermore, the automobile service station is oriented along the property’s Iroquois Avenue frontage to ensure efficient traffic flow on and off the site.
The petitioner proposes significant improvements to the site including new parking facilities, underground utilities, and attractive landscaping that will also improve buffering between the subject property and adjacent residential land uses to the northwest. Staff finds that the establishment of the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the adjacent property and is supportive of the petitioner’s request.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Conditional Use can be found in the attachments. Upon review, the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff agree with the petitioner’s Findings and recommend their adoption by City Council.
Requested Variances
Two variances are proposed as part of the petitioner’s request, and are further described below. Staff is supportive of each request and notes that the development proposal as a whole is consistent with the goals of the Ogden Avenue Plan and the City’s vision for the east Ogden area. Staff finds the development package to be well designed and compatible with the rest of the existing Ogden Mall, as H-Mart and three commercial outlots fronting Ogden Avenue will remain.
Parking Lot Light Pole Variance
The petitioner seeks approval of a variance to Section 6-14-4:3.2.5 (Luminaire Design Factors) <> to permit parking lot lighting to exceed the maximum height of 25 feet in a commercial district, and measure 36.5 feet to allow Costco to incorporate their standard fixture. The petitioner confirms that this height is preferable because it provides adequate lighting for the safety and welfare of customers and reduces the overall number of light poles necessary to obtain the lighting coverage preferred. Subsequently, reductions in monetary and energy costs can be achieved.
Staff notes that the existing light poles on the property measure approximately 40 feet, so the proposed 36.5-foot-tall lights will offer a reduction in height when compared to current conditions. Permitting Costco to install 36.5-foot-tall lights will maintain better consistency with existing light pole heights and spacing that will remain on the southern portion of the subject property. Lastly, Costco’s proposed light fixtures will utilize LED lighting whereby the light source/lens would not project below the fixtures as the current light fixtures do. Staff finds the petitioner’s proposal to be appropriate given existing conditions in the Ogden Mall and the reduction in the overall number of lighting fixtures when compared to lights measuring 25 feet in height.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Zoning Variance can be found in the attachments. Upon review, the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff agree with the petitioner’s Findings and recommend their adoption by City Council.
Wall Sign Variances
Section 6-16-5:2.1.1 (Wall, Awning, and Canopy Signs) <> of the Municipal Code allows a maximum wall sign area of 1.5 square feet of sign area for each linear foot of façade, with a maximum sign area of 300 square feet per façade. The petitioner requests approval of two sign variances to allow Costco’s wall signs to exceed the 300-square foot maximum as outlined below:
East Façade Sign
The petitioner requests approval of a variance from Section 6-16-5:2.1.1 of the Code to allow an increase in sign area from 300 square feet to approximately 438 square feet on the building’s east façade, oriented towards Ogden Avenue. Two Costco Wholesale signs are proposed on this elevation (one that is approximately 158 square feet and another that is approximately 280 square feet). When combined, the signs are intended to maximize exposure from adjacent roadways to adequately identify the business’s location and store entrances. The proposed building will be located at the far northwest corner of the property, which is approximately 850 feet from Naperville-Wheaton Road, 800 feet from Ogden Avenue and 480 feet from Iroquois Avenue.
The petitioner identifies that two signs are required on the east elevation due to the building’s significant setback from Ogden Avenue, and to provide Costco with visible identification between the existing Ogden Mall buildings that will remain. Staff finds the petitioner’s request reasonable and notes that the linear building frontage along the east façade is approximately 493 feet. Without the 300-square foot maximum measurement in place, Costco would otherwise be allowed 740 square feet of signage (at a ratio of 1.5 square feet of signage per linear foot of façade). Staff finds the proposed signs to be appropriately spaces and proportionate to the façade on which they will be installed.
South Façade Sign
The petitioner requests approval of a second sign variance from Section 6-16-5:2.1.1 of the Code to allow an increase in sign area from 300 square feet to approximately 311 square feet on the building’s south façade, fronting Iroquois Avenue. This variance request results from the combination of two signs on this façade. The primary wall sign on this elevation is a 280-square foot Costco Wholesale sign to identify the store’s location from Iroquois Avenue. A second, 30-square foot sign for the store’s Tire Center is also proposed on this elevation to communicate the location of this accessory use to customers. Combined, the two signs exceed the maximum of 300 square feet per elevation by nearly 11 square feet.
Staff finds the petitioner’s request reasonable and notes that Section 6-16-5:2.1.4 <> of the Code allows commercial uses to install additional signage, in excess of the permissible 300 square feet, for each secondary business located inside the primary business establishment. By definition, Costco’s Tire Center does not qualify as a secondary business since it is a service provided by the primary business establishment; however, staff finds the proposed size and intent of the petitioner’s Tire Center sign to be consistent with secondary business signage allowances.
Staff finds the petitioner’s request reasonable and notes that the linear building frontage along the east façade is approximately 353 feet. Without the 300-square foot maximum measurement in place, Costco would otherwise be allowed approximately 530 square feet of signage (at a ratio of 1.5 square feet of signage per linear foot of façade) on the south façade. Staff finds the proposed signs to be appropriately spaced and sized.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Zoning Variance can be found in the attachments. Upon review, the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff agree with the petitioner’s Findings and recommend their adoption by City Council.
Preliminary Plat of Subdivision
The petitioner requests approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision to subdivide the property into two lots. Staff finds the proposed preliminary plat of subdivision for the project meets all technical requirements for approval.
Building Elevations
The petitioner has worked closely with staff to refine the building elevations and ensure they are consistent with the City’s desired character. The building has been designed with a modern exterior featuring glass and ribbed architectural metal near the building entrance and for added articulation around the building, structural brick on all four sides of the building, and embossed architectural metal with a matte finish in remaining areas to increase the building’s energy efficiency.
Landscape Plan
The proposed landscape plan meets the requirements of the City's Landscaping and Screening Ordinance. Existing parkway trees along Iroquois Avenue will be preserved, and new parking lot islands and additional landscaping amenities along the shared access drives have been incorporated to further improve the site. A six-foot tall fence will be installed the entire length of the subject property’s western property line to provide a buffer to the adjacent multi-family residential development as well.
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter at their meeting on May 6, 2020. No members of the public commented during the Public Hearing. The Planning and Zoning Commission inquired about the proximity of the fueling station to residential uses and parking provisions on site. Following brief comments, the Planning and Zoning Commission voiced support for the development, closed the public hearing, moved to adopt the findings of fact as presented by the petitioner, and approve PZC 20-1-003 (approved 9-0). Staff concurs with the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner proposes subdividing the property and redeveloping the northern portion with a members-only Costco retail warehouse.
§ The petitioner requests approval of a preliminary plat of subdivision to subdivide the property into two lots in the B2 zoning district. Staff finds that the plat meets all technical requirements for approval.
§ The petitioner requests approval of a conditional use for an automobile service station in the B2 zoning district. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff are supportive of the request as it is accessory to a large-scale retail anchor and it provides a necessary service to Costco patrons.
§ The petitioner requests approval of a variance to allow parking lot light pole height to exceed 25 ft. and measure 36.5 ft. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff are supportive of the variance request since they offer a reduction in height when compared to existing conditions and result in less light poles being necessary overall.
§ The petitioner requests approval of variances to allow wall/building signage to exceed the maximum permitted sign area of 300 square feet on the east and south elevations. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff are supportive of the request due to Costco’s significant setback from Ogden Avenue and the signs’ proportions relative to the building façades.
§ The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff are supportive of the proposed development on the subject property and find it to be consistent with the Ogden Plan.
Related Files
The following agenda items are related to PZC 20-1-003:
• Pass the ordinance approving a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision of Kirkland Ogden (Costco) - PZC 20-1-003 (Item 2 of 4)
• Pass the ordinance approving a conditional use in the B2 District to permit an automobile service station for the properties located at 1255 E Ogden Avenue and 1187 E Ogden Avenue (Costco) - PZC 20-1-003 (Item 3 of 4)
• Pass the ordinance approving variances to allow parking lot light pole height to exceed 25 ft. and measure 36.5 ft., and allow wall signage to exceed the maximum permitted sign area of 300 square feet on the east and south elevations for the properties located at 1255 E Ogden Avenue and 1187 E Ogden Avenue (Costco) - PZC 20-1-003 (Item 4 of 4)