Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 23-064, Vehicle Storage Garage and MCC Building Restoration to Garland/DBS Inc. for an amount not to exceed $171,327, plus a 5% contingency
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities
SUBMITTED BY: Darrell Blenniss, Director
Water Utilities and the Department of Public Works solicited the services of Garland/DBS Inc. through the U.S. Communities cooperative contract to assess the condition of all roofs and building envelopes at the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center (SWRC). With the assistance of Garland, staff was able to develop a maintenance plan which has the Vehicle Storage Building (VSB) and the Influent Pumping Station MCC building scheduled for long-term restoration in 2023. In addition to the roof restoration, the buildings require envelope caulk repairs and coating. The buildings were built in 1991 and 1999 respectively.
The VSB is used for storage of large vehicles such as the loader and backhoe as well as supplies such as weld carts and safety equipment. The Influent Pumping Station MCC building controls all eight of the main pumps where wastewater flows into the plant.
Staff identified an approved cooperative contract, Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract PW1925, through Garland/DBS Inc., for procurement of building and roof restoration. This procurement includes the equipment, materials, and labor required for both buildings.
Maximum pricing for this contract is established under the Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (MICPA) through Omnia Partners.
To obtain even lower market adjusted pricing below MICPA, Garland/DBS Inc. solicited four bids. Work will be performed by R.B. Crowther Co. and completed by July 31, 2023.
CIP: WW041 - SWRC Facility Replacements (non-treatment)
Upgrades to the Water Utilities facilities are expensed to the account number listed below as part of the Water Capital Improvement program. A total of $580,000 has been budgeted for building improvements in 2023. The requested award is within budget.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget |
41252000-551500 |
Water Capital Fund |
$580,000 |