Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 19-339, Police Uniforms, Equipment and Accessories, to Galls, LLC for an amount not to exceed $124,660 and for a one-year term
DEPARTMENT: Police Department
SUBMITTED BY: Robert Marshall, Chief
The Naperville Police Department (PD) provides uniforms for the Chief of Police, deputy chiefs, commanders, sergeants, police officers, community service officers, detention officers, animal control officers, PSAP, and other specialized civilian personnel. Uniforms, equipment, and footwear are supplied to new hires as well as approved replacements for current staff. Replacement items for current staff are reviewed through a two-tiered process and must be approved based on need by the employee’s supervisor and by the Professional Development and Training Unit. The Police Department’s uniform dress code is outlined in departmental general orders and respective collective bargaining agreements. Employees are responsible for the cleanliness and appearance of their uniforms as well as the maintenance of their equipment.
In December 2017, City Council approved the recommendation to award Contract 17-219 for the purchase of Police and Fire public safety uniforms. The original term will expire on December 31, 2019. The PD had a number of issues obtaining items from Ray O’Herron Company and chose not to exercise the option to extend the contract.
Staff has identified an approved cooperative contract, Lake County Contract #18013 through Galls, LLC, for the purchase of Police uniforms, equipment and accessories. Some examples of items include but are not limited to the following: uniform shirts and pants, jackets (rain and cold gear), footwear, duty belts and accessories for belts.
This cooperative offers a secure online ordering system which is only accessible through unique user names and password assignment administered by supervisory staff and is mobile device compatible. There is no fee for alterations and delivery is free. One (1) sample of each size of all items of clothing will be kept at the Naperville Police Department to be used by employees for correct fit before placing orders. This cooperative is available to other units of local government police departments pursuant to 30 ILCS 525/2, the Government Joint Purchasing Act.
The term of this contract is one-year from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
CIP #: N/A
Purchase of Uniforms and equipment is expensed to the operating supplies account listed below. A total of $124,660 is tentatively budgeted for Police Uniform and equipment in 2020, pending Council approval. This request is expected to be within budget.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
21101100-541407 |
Operating Supplies |
$482,250 |
21241100-541407 |
Operating Supplies |
$29,162 |