Pass the ordinance granting variances to reduce the parking setbacks and relocate the existing ground sign for the subject property located at 7 7th Avenue, Naperville (Tailoring by Monica) - PZC 18-1-071
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this matter on October 3, 2018 and voted to recommend approval of the request (approved, 7-0). Staff concurs.
The subject property is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and 7th Avenue with a common address of 7 7th Avenue. The 11,245 square foot lot is zoned OCI (Office, Commercial and Institutional District). The subject property is improved with a single-story brick and frame structure with 8 parking spaces located in the rear of the building.
The petitioner, Monika Gawalek, proposes to construct 4 parking spaces in the front of the building along Washington Street to accommodate additional customer parking. The spaces will require variances to reduce the setback on a major arterial roadway as well as to reduce corner side setback on 7th Avenue and on the northern interior property line. The construction of the parking spaces will trigger the relocation of the existing ground sign and require variances for the style, setback, and location of the sign.
In 2016, the petitioner was granted a conditional use to operate a tailoring business on the subject property and approval of a variance to reduce the required parking from 12 spaces to 6 spaces. Currently there are 6 traditional parking spaces located in the rear of the building, as well as 2 tandem spaces, for a total of 8 parking spaces. Per the 2016 approval, the tandem spaces were restricted to employee use only.
In conjunction with the above described conditional use and variance, the petitioner was also granted the following variances in order to construct a new ground sign: 1) to allow a ground sign that does not meet the definition of a monument sign*; 2) to allow a ground sign perpendicular to Washington Street; and 3) to allow a ground sign to encroach 5’ into the 10’ major arterial setback. Due to the existing sign being relocated and resized (see below), the variances are required to be reviewed by PZC and Council.
*A monument sign is defined as a type of ground sign which is permanently attached to the ground and anchored by a support structure a minimum of 80% of the width of the sign.
Parking Setback Variances
The petitioner proposes to construct 4 parking spaces in front of the building adjacent to Washington Street. Per Section 6-9-2:4.6 (Off-Street Parking Facilities: Yard Requirements for Off-Street Parking Facilities) of the Municipal Code, a setback of 70’ from the centerline of the right-of-way or 20’ from the edge of the right-of-way, whichever is greater, is required on a major arterial. Washington Street is a major arterial and a 70’ setback from the centerline is required. The petitioner requests to construct the parking spaces 43’ from the centerline of Washington Street (10’ from the edge of the right-of-way). The proposed setback is consistent with the property directly to the north (The Washington) and to the south across 7th Avenue.
The petitioner also requests variances to reduce the corner side and interior side setbacks for the proposed parking spaces. Per Section 6-9-2 (Off Street Parking Facilities: Yard Requirements for Off Street Parking Facilities), parking facilities cannot be located within the required 20’ corner side yard or the 5’ interior side yard. The proposed parking spaces will be located approximately 14’ from the corner side property line along 7th Avenue and 2’ from the northern interior property line. The reduced setbacks allow the petitioner to accommodate additional parking on the subject property. Staff is supportive of the variance requests and finds the proposed setbacks are consistent with other properties in the immediate vicinity along the Washington Street corridor.
In conjunction with the parking lot construction, the petitioner is providing streetscape consistent with the streetscape approved for The Washington (directly north of the subject property). This includes a 10’ wide carriage walk (8’ of concrete and 2’ of decorative pavers), a planter box, and bollard style pedestrian lighting. The improved streetscape is intended to buffer the parking lot from Washington Street and to encourage pedestrian activity. Cross access is also provided from the subject property to The Washington. Recommended by the 5th Avenue Study, cross access will reduce the number of curb cuts on Washington Street and allow customers to access The Washington from 7th Avenue by way of the subject property.
Sign Variances
Due to the construction of the parking spaces, the existing ground sign will be relocated and shifted south towards 7th Avenue. The petitioner is also proposing to increase the height of the existing sign from 8’ to 10’. The proposed 10’ height, along with the overall sign area of 24 square feet, complies with the requirements of the sign code. The petitioner is requesting variances for the style, location, and setback of the sign.
The sign is wooden in style and is supported by 2 posts. This style of the sign is not permitted per Section 6-16-5:2.2.1 (Signs: Number) which only allows monument style signs. A monument sign is defined as a type of ground sign which is permanently attached to the ground and anchored by a support structure that is a minimum of 80% of the width of the sign. The petitioner’s ground sign is similar to surrounding signs along the Washington Street corridor including the dentist at 724 Washington Street, Angelic Creations, Wehrli/Abbey Travel, and School of Rock. Given the sign’s similarity to other signs along the Washington Street corridor, staff is in support of the variance request.
A variance is also necessary from Section 6-16-5:2.2.1 (Signs: Number) in order to maintain the sign’s perpendicular orientation to Washington Street. Per Section 6-16-5:2.2.1, a property with a minimum of 100’ of lot frontage is allowed 1 monument sign oriented perpendicular to the eligible frontage. The subject property has 171’ of frontage along 7th Avenue and 65.5’ of frontage along Washington Street. Per code the sign is required to be located on and perpendicular to the 7th Avenue frontage. Staff finds the sign would be better suited on Washington Street due to its commercial nature of and its designation as a major arterial roadway. The proposed orientation is consistent with the placement of the prior sign on the property, which has resulted in no confusion or concerns.
Finally, per Section 6-16-5: (Signs: Setback), ground signs must be located 10’ from a major arterial roadway. The petitioner requests a variance to site the relocated sign 5.5’ from the west property line (Washington Street), encroaching 4.5’ into the required 10’ in the setback. The sign was previously located 5’ from the west property line. Staff finds the 5’ setback is consistent with the previous setback and the setback of other signs ground signs along the Washington Street corridor. As a note, the sign will now be located closer to 7th Avenue. Staff does not find any sight distance conflicts with the new location due to the style of the sign (i.e. 6’ clearance from the ground to the sign panel).
The petitioner’s responses to the standards for granting a variance for the parking setback variances and the sign variances are attached. Staff is in general agreement with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends adoption by the City Council.
Planning and Zoning Commission Action
The Planning and Zoning Commission opened the public hearing to consider PZC 18-1-089 on October 3, 2018. Jim Caneff, Roake and Associates, spoke on behalf of the petitioner. No one from the public spoke during public testimony. After limited discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission closed the public hearing and voted to recommend approval of PZC 18-1-071 (approved, 7-0). Staff concurs with the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner requests approval of variances to reduce the major arterial setback and the corner side and interior setbacks to construct 4 additional parking spaces.
§ The construction of the parking spaces will necessitate the relocation of the existing sign and trigger variances for the style, location, and setback of the sign.
§ Staff supports the proposed parking and sign variances, finding them compatible with the character of the Washington Street corridor.