Receive the staff report for McDowell Point Final - PZC 19-1-138 (Item 1 of 3)
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The subject property consists of approximately 8.26 acres of vacant and undeveloped land at the southwest corner of Diehl Road and Raymond Drive. On July 17, 2018, the City Council approved a request by the petitioner for: rezoning the subject property from ORI to OCI; a conditional use to allow an age-restricted, multi-family building; and, a conditional use for a planned unit development and preliminary planned unit development plat with deviations to Sections 6-9-3 (Schedule of Off Street Parking Requirements), 6-7F-5 (OCI, Area Requirements), and 6-7F-8 (OCI, Height Limitations/Bulk Regulations) of the Naperville Municipal Code. The proposed development will include 174 age-restricted, residential dwelling units.
Plat of Vacation & Platted Setback Deviation
As part of the petitioner’s final PUD approvals, the petitioner has prepared a plat of vacation to vacate various easements on the subject property and remove previously platted building and parking setback lines. Section 7-2-5 (Administrative Plat Procedures) <> allows plats of vacation to be approved administratively; however, because the plat of vacation includes the removal of platted setback lines, it is subject to review and approval by City Council pursuant to Section 7-1-13 (Platted Setbacks and Building Lines) <> of the Municipal Code.
The petitioner requests approval to vacate the previously platted building and parking setback lines (established by Ordinance 06-156 and recorded as Document No. 2008-143214) along the subject property’s north, east, and south property lines. Compliance with the platted setbacks would require the petitioner to relocate the building and parking areas to locations inconsistent with the City’s current zoning regulations, resulting in a reduction to open space areas and impacting wetlands and circulation on-site.
Staff is supportive of the plat of vacation and platted setback deviation since the development’s proposed building location and parking facilities comply with the current underlying zoning requirements, as well as preliminary PUD approvals granted for the site.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Subdivision Deviation can be found in the attachments. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends their adoption by City Council.
Final PUD Plat
The proposed Final PUD Plat substantially conforms to the Preliminary PUD Plat for McDowell Point approved through Ordinance 18-092, thereby eliminating the need for a Planning and Zoning Commission review. Staff finds the proposed site layout to be consistent with preliminary plans, as well as site circulation, access and open space amenities. McDowell Point will include 174 age-restricted, multi-family residential dwelling units, and approximately 3.5 acres of open landscaped areas (42% of the total lot coverage). These open space areas will include overlook seating areas with gravel pathways and benches, a dog run, and a courtyard with a pool, bocce court and yoga lawn.
Landscape Plan
The proposed landscape plan is consistent with the preliminary landscape plan approved through Ordinance 18-092. The plan includes recreational amenities and enhanced floodplain and stormwater management areas that exceed the requirements of the City's Landscaping and Screening Ordinance. New parkway trees are proposed where appropriate throughout the public rights-of-way.
Building Elevations
Since the time of preliminary approvals, the proposed building elevations have been modified but continue to comply with all underlying zoning requirements and do not trigger a need for any additional entitlements. The building elevations comply with Section 5-2C-3 of the Municipal Code <> (which requires that a minimum of 50% of the exterior wall construction for multiple-family dwellings be constructed of masonry) and include vertical and horizontal articulation elements for visual interest. The building height remains consistent with preliminary approvals at five stories, or 54 feet 8 inches.
School and Park Donations
No school contribution is required as long as the Subject Property remains an age restricted community in compliance with the age restriction covenant to be approved by the City Council.
Park impact fees will be satisfied by payment of cash in lieu of land, with a 10% credit due to the provision of recreational amenities provided onsite. Payment will be made pursuant to an agreement with the Park District, consistent with Section 7-3-5 <> of the Naperville Municipal Code.
Findings of Fact
The petitioner’s responses to the Standards for Granting a Planned Unit Development can be found in the attachments. Upon review, staff agrees with the petitioner’s Findings and recommends their adoption by City Council.
Related Files
The following agenda items are related to PZC 19-1-138:
• Pass the ordinance approving a plat of vacation and platted setback deviation for McDowell Point (McDowell Point Final) - PZC 19-1-138 (Item 2 of 3)
• Pass the ordinance approving the final PUD plat for McDowell Point (McDowell Point Final) - PZC 19-1-138 (Item 3 of 3)