File #: 20-415    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/24/2020 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/7/2020 Final action:
Title: Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 20-154, Unit 238 and 293 Equipment Replacement, to JX Peterbilt for an amount not to exceed $403,388.97




Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 20-154, Unit 238 and 293 Equipment Replacement, to JX Peterbilt for an amount not to exceed $403,388.97



DEPARTMENT:                     Department of Public Works


SUBMITTED BY:                     Richard Dublinski, Director





Units 238 and 293 were reviewed and approved by the Fleet Economic Committee and Fleet Services Project Manager for replacement in the 2020 budget. Vehicles are scored for replacement based on four criteria: age, usage, condition and repair costs. Recommending a vehicle for replacement requires a score 28.0 or greater. Unit 238 scored 39.68 and Unit 293 scored 37.32.



Unit 238 is a 2005 single-axle dump body with plow and Unit 293 is a 2007 tandem-axle dump body with plow. Both units are used by the Department of Public Works - Streets Division for asphalt patching, leaf and brush pick-up, salt applications and snow removal.  Both units will each be replaced with a 2021 Peterbilt 348 with dump body and plow.


The new units are available on the Sourcewell Cooperative, an approved cooperative through National Auto Fleet Group, Contract #081716-PMC.


Using the City’s specifications, JX Peterbilt has quoted the Peterbilt with dump body and plow. The retired units will be traded in to JX Peterbilt to offset the purchase cost of the new units. A cost breakdown is provided in the table below:



Original Price

Less Cooperative Discount

Less  Trade-In

Net Price

238 - Single Axle





293 - Tandem Axle






The units will be delivered in approximately 9 months.



CIP #: VEH002


Vehicle replacements for DPW are expensed to the vehicles and equipment account below.  A total of $360,000 was budgeted in 2020 for Units 238 and 293.  Funding for the the overage will be accommodated through savings associated with the DPW 2020 vehicle replacements. 


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Capital Projects Fund



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