Approve the award of Option Year #3 to Contract 21-382, Parkway Tree Trimming Services, to NJ Ryan Tree & Landscape and Steve Piper and Sons, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $500,000 and for a one-year term
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for the care and maintenance of more than 70,000 parkway trees throughout the City. Industry best practices recommend a six-year trimming cycle, which equates to maintenance on more than 11,500 trees per year. With the City’s growth and the planting of additional right-of-way trees, DPW has been unable to perform all the tree trimming services in-house. In 2000, the City began using outside contractors to supplement the in-house tree trimming program.
On January 4, 2022, the City Council approved the award of Bid 21-382, Parkway Tree Trimming Services, to NJ Ryan Tree & Landscape and Steve Piper and Sons for a one-year term from date of award through December 1, 2022 with four, one-year options to extend.
On November 21, 2023, the City Council approved the second option year with a term of December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, with two, one-year options available. On April 16, 2024, the City Council approved Change Order #1 for additional cycle trimming. On August 20, 2024, the City Council approved Change Order #2 for storm damage clean-up assistance and trimming along Naper Boulevard from Ogden Avenue to Chicago Avenue.
Due to a reduction in the number of trees trimmed by both the contractor and in-house staff since 2010, DPW is now on an eight-year tree trimming cycle. This has resulted in more than 1,100 service requests for trimming and downed branches per year.
DPW’s goal is to return to trimming the parkway trees on a six- to seven-year cycle. A more systematic approach to tree trimming will reduce service requests for trimming and downed branches as well as decrease tree-related liability claims for property damage.
During the second Option Year, the contractors trimmed parkway trees in the following neighborhoods: Edgewood, Columbia Estates, Saybrook, Naperville Heights, Indian Hill, Eagle Chase, and Miledje Farm, and Park Addition.
Based on the vendors’ performance, DPW recommends extending the contract for the third Option Year. NJ Ryan Tree & Landscape agreed to maintain the same rates and terms. Steve Piper and Sons has requested a 3% increase to cover labor cost increases. During the third Option Year, the contractors will trim parkway trees in the following neighborhoods: Cress Creek, Country Lakes, Atwater, Brookdale, Brush Hill, Wil-O-Way, Jefferson Estates, Wildflower, Ivy Ridge, Lakewood Crossing and Century Farms.
In order to ensure that all of the tree trimming is completed in the required timeframes, NJ Ryan Tree & Landscape will complete approximately 75% of the contract areas and Steve Piper and Sons will complete 25% of the contract areas.
The term of the third Option Year is from December 1, 2024, to November 30, 2025, with one Option Year remaining.
CIP #: N/A
Parkway tree trimming is expensed to the Operational Service account listed below. A total of $500,000 has been proposed for contracted tree trimming in 2025. The requested award of $500,000 is within the proposed budget amount for this expense. This is a not-to-exceed contract and the award amount matches the amount included in the budget; however, staff will monitor the budget throughout the year and can adjust the amount of work done to match available funding if necessary.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Proposed Budget Amount |
31251100-531308 |
General Fund |
$2,615,555 |