Pass the ordinance approving a minor change to the CityGate Centre III Planned Unit Development approved by Ordinance 20-044 for the subject property located at Lots 2 & 3 of CityGate Centre, Naperville - PZC 22-1-050
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: Erin Venard, Project Manager - DRT
On May 5, 2020, City Council approved Ordinance 20-044, approving a Final Plat of Planned Unit Development (PUD) for CityGate Centre III in order to develop an approximately 482,385 sq ft multi-family residential apartment building and a 38,000 sq ft roof-level event center on Lots 2 and part of Lot 3 in CityGate Centre. The apartment building will be owned by Lincoln Properties. The roof-level event center will be owned and operated by the Calamos Group who also owns the rest of the CityGate campus which includes restaurant, retail, and office uses, a hotel, and a parking garage. The project is currently under construction.
Through Ordinance 20-044, the petitioner also received a deviation to reduce the required apartment resident parking from 570 spaces to 429 and the required guest parking spaces from 72 spaces to 36 (based upon the Code requirement on two spaces and 0.25 guest parking spaces per dwelling unit). The event center is providing the code required parking of 380 spaces (based on the Code requirement of 10 spaces per 1,000 square feet). Per the approved plan, the resident parking is located in a deck interior to the apartment building while the guest parking and the event center parking is located on a surface lot adjacent to the building (on Lot 3).
Ordinance 20-044 also included a condition that allowed the petitioner the flexibility to remove the surface lot on Lot 3 if they were able to demonstrate through a parking study that the event center parking was able to be accommodated in the existing CityGate parking supply. The condition required the petitioner to process a minor change to the PUD, which requires City Council review as per Section 6-4-6 (Changes to a Final Planned Unit Development).
The petitioner has submitted a parking study and is requesting a minor change to remove the majority of the surface lot (i.e. the 380 event center parking spaces) from Lot 3. The 36 guest spaces will still be constructed on Lot 3.
In order to support the minor change request, the petitioner submitted a parking study which includes a summary of all the parking areas on both the CityGate and Calamos Campuses. The study estimates there are six distinct parking zones, including two garages, with a total of 1,825 parking spaces. The study also provides peak parking occupancy counts for several different timeframes on both a weekday and a weekend day. The peak weekday occupancy was 38% (700 cars) at 3 pm on Thursday. The peak weekend occupancy was 11% (207 cars) at 8pm on Saturday.
It should also be noted that File 22-0837 is also on the July 19, 2022 agenda for Council consideration. It is a request to revocate the prior approvals granted to the CityGate Centre North project (i.e., a 209,589 square foot event center (hockey arena) located across from the existing CityGate campus on the north side of Ferry Road). With revocation, the parking demand for CityGate Centre North, a portion of which was proposed to be provided for within the CityGate campus, is also removed, thereby increasing the available parking supply on the CityGate campus for the event center.
Staff finds the data provided in the parking study, along with the revocation of the CityGate Centre North approvals, indicates that the proposed parking space supply is sufficient and is in support of the minor change request subject to the following conditions:
1. A parking plan providing additional details on pedestrian circulation and signage must be provided to City staff when available; and
2. If the City’s Zoning Administrator determines that the parking needs cannot be accommodated within the parking on the Subject Property, the Owner shall promptly take adequate measures and work with the tenants of the Subject Property (or Owner’s successors, transferees, and assigns) to meet the parking needs of said tenants, including but not limited to formally assigning/reserving parking spaces for each tenant space, limiting business hours of operation, constructing additional off-street parking spaces, and/or establishing an overflow parking location off-site, as necessary, which measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Failure to timely take adequate measures to adequately accommodate tenant parking needs on the Subject Property to the satisfaction of the City’s Zoning Administrator may result in the City’s revocation of one or more of the variances approved on the Subject Property.