Pass the Ordinance approving the Final Planned Unit Development for Uptown Suites Subdivision (PZC 17-1-036), located at 1809 W Diehl Road to develop a hotel.
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
The subject property is located at 1809 W Diehl Road, approximately 350’ north of the intersection of Diehl Road and Country Lakes Drive, and is zoned B3 (General Commercial District) PUD. It is approximately 148,414 square feet (3.4 acres) and is currently vacant. Adjacent properties are zoned B3 and I (Industrial). Hotels are a permitted use in the B3 district.
In 2007, Ordinance #07-34 approved a Preliminary PUD and Preliminary Subdivision Plat for a 3 lot subdivision known as PMP-Diehl Road Subdivision. The Preliminary PUD approved a hotel on Lot 1 of the subject property with a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 0.44. Following approval of the Preliminary PUD and Subdivision plats in 2007, the project did not move forward and neither the Final PUD nor Final Subdivision Plat were applied for and approved.
Final Planned Unit Development
The petitioner, Connor & Gaskins Unlimited LLC, requests approval of the Final PUD for Uptown Suites Subdivision, in order to develop the subject property with a 129 room, 4-story hotel. The hotel is approximately 52,464 square feet with an FAR of 0.35, in compliance with the maximum permitted FAR of 0.44. The landscape plan is in substantial conformance with the preliminary landscape plan and includes approximately 1.5 acres of landscaped open space to the north and east of the hotel. A sidewalk creates a pedestrian connection from the north side of the hotel to the adjacent properties (the Cracker Barrel Restaurant). The building elevations are predominately brick and stone with a gable style roof. Staff finds the proposed Uptown Suites Subdivision Final PUD Plat, final landscape plan, and building elevations are in substantial conformance with the Preliminary PUD; accordingly, per Section 6-4-4:3.2 (PUD Procedures: Final Plat of Panned Unit Development) of the Naperville Municipal Code, Planning and Zoning Commission review of the current proposal is not required.
Preliminary/Final Subdivision
The previously approved preliminary subdivision plat has lapsed in accordance with Municipal Code Section 7-2-2, which states that if after 2 years from the date of the preliminary plat approval no submission of a final plat has occurred, the preliminary plat shall automatically lapse and become null and void without further action from the City. Therefore, a new preliminary subdivision plat is required. The Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision for Uptown Suites Subdivision consolidates the subject property into a single buildable lot of approximately 3.4 acres, on which the hotel is to be constructed. Staff finds the proposed Preliminary/Final Plat of Subdivision for Uptown Suites meets all technical requirements for administrative approval.
Key Takeaways
§ The petitioner requests a Final PUD for Uptown Suites to permit a hotel on the subject property.
§ Staff supports the proposed development as it is consistent with the Preliminary PUD.