Adopt the resolution approving the intergovernmental emergency aid agreement between the Illinois Municipal Utility Agency and the City of Naperville
DEPARTMENT: Electric Utility
SUBMITTED BY: Lucy Podlesny, Director
The Illinois Municipal Utilities Association (IMUA) is a not-for-profit corporation functioning as a trade association for municipalities that own and operate their own electric, natural gas, water, wastewater and telecommunications systems throughout Illinois. It is composed of 51 municipal members throughout the state.
Through its Mutual Aid Program, IMUA works with member utilities to coordinate emergency services in the event of natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes and similar events. IMUA’s program follows the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines and requirements.
To date the city has not utilized outside municipalities to assist in any emergency electrical restoration. The city maintains its own staff and has a contract in place with a local electric utility contractor. However, the city has responded to request for assistance to other municipalities in the past with personnel, material and equipment.
In some instances, when a natural disaster occurs, emergency plans must be instituted. The city has such plans in place with its own staff and the local electric utility contactor. Having a mutual aid agreement in place is an additional tool the city can use in the event of an emergency. It allows for the request of help from outside the immediate impacted area.
Upon receipt of a request for mutual aid and/or emergency assistance from an IMUA member municipality, the IMUA Coordinator will first determine which neighboring municipalities, based on proximity, are:
• Closest to the municipality requesting assistance;
• Unaffected by the storm or natural disaster themselves;
• Does the aiding municipality have the necessary personnel, equipment, material and resources;
• In the best overall position to render aid and resources, and
• Willing and able to do so.
This agreement has been reviewed by the City’s Legal Department. It is notable that the agreement requires the agency requesting aid to take responsibility for any liabilities incurred by responding agencies. This arrangement protects the City when providing aid but exposes the City to risk when requesting aid. Staff has concluded the risk is manageable and will be thoroughly considered when confronting the need to request appropriate emergency response resources. The decision to request or provide aid is completely within the discretion of the City. Staff believes this emergency aid resource is a valuable tool to have at our disposal for emergency response.
No fiscal Impact.