File #: 19-1080    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Change Order Status: Passed
File created: 10/30/2019 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/3/2019 Final action: 12/3/2019
Title: Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 19-057, North Pump Station Interceptor Phase 2, to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for an additional 244 days
Related files: 19-162




Approve the award of Change Order #1 to Contract 19-057, North Pump Station Interceptor Phase 2, to Insituform Technologies USA, LLC for an additional 244 days



DEPARTMENT:                     Water Utilities


SUBMITTED BY:                     Darrell Blenniss, Director





The Water Utilities has a four-phase project to rehabilitate the aging sanitary interceptor sewer from the intersection of Fort Hill Drive and Jefferson Avenue to the wet well at the North Pump station with steam cured-in-place lining. 


On March 19, 2019, City Council approved the award of Contract 19-057, phase 2 of the project, to Insituform Technologies for an amount not to exceed $608,344.02, plus a 3 percent contingency. Phase 2 includes rehabilitation of 2,706 linear feet of 24-inch pipe, 952 linear feet of 27-inch pipe and 368 linear feet of 30-inch existing sanitary sewer pipelines. Along with pipeline rehabilitations, 15 manholes will be rehabilitated with an epoxy coating.



This change order is requested to add a 244-day time extension to the contract, which will result in a revised completion date of May 31, 2020.  The manhole rehabilitation work for this project was delayed due to unforeseen field conditions, including heavy rains at the start of the project and more recently cold temperatures. Cold weather prevents the equipment used to spray the epoxy onto the manholes from working properly.   The lining portion is complete, the additional days will allow the contractor to complete all manhole rehabilitation work as weather conditions become more favorable for the equipment to function properly. 



CIP #: WW006


Sanitary interceptor lining is expensed to the infrastructure account listed below as a part of the capital improvement program. A total of $3,871,000 is budgeted for sanitary sewer interceptor rehabilitation and replacements in 2019. The requested change does not include any financial increases and will have no additional impact on the budget.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Water & Wastewater
