File #: 18-734    Version: 1
Type: Procurement Award Status: Passed
File created: 8/31/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/2/2018 Final action: 10/2/2018
Title: Approve the award of Bid 18-180, Water and Wastewater Hatch Replacement, to Keno & Sons Construction Company for an amount not to exceed $313,000, plus a 5% contingency
Attachments: 1. CIP Pages
Related files: 19-755




Approve the award of Bid 18-180, Water and Wastewater Hatch Replacement, to Keno & Sons Construction Company for an amount not to exceed $313,000, plus a 5% contingency



DEPARTMENT:                     Water Utilities


SUBMITTED BY:                     Mark Curran, Acting Director





In August 2018, the Water Utility issued Bid 18-180, Water and Wastewater Hatch Replacement, to replace existing access hatches at the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center, West Southwest Waterworks and Northwest Waterworks sites.


At the Springbrook Water Reclamation Center, the Water Utility is currently installing six new mechanical mixers to reduce the cost of chemical treatment and energy consumption in the digesters. Currently, the six digesters do not allow for easy maintenance of new mixers. To access the mixers, the existing aluminum digester covers must be completely removed, causing poor access and additional safety risk to City staff. This project will include the installation of six engineered aluminum covers with adequately sized access hatches positioned directly over the new mixers to allow for safe maintenance and handling of the equipment.


In addition, several hatches at Northwest Waterworks and West Southwest Waterworks are beginning to show signs of failure and can no longer be repaired. The hatches must be secured using external supports while in the open position and some leak water when closed. This project will include the replacement of five failing hatches at Northwest Waterworks located near Diehl Road and Wall Street and one vault access hatch at West Southwest Waterworks located near Route 59 and 103rd Street. The new hatches will provide a water tight seal around the access area and carry additional safety features for fall protection and accidental closures.




Advertisement Date:    08/20/18                       Notices Sent:                                                               151

Opening Date:             06/28/18                        Planholders:                                                                 10

                                                                          Proposals Received:                                              2


Bids were received from the following vendors:


Vendor Name

Proposed Cost

Engineer’s Estimate


Keno & Sons Construction Company


Manusos Genteral Contracting, Inc.



Prior to the bid opening, a no bid form was received from Joseph J Henderson & Son, Inc.  The firm stated they were too busy to bid on the project.


City staff discussed the scope of work with the lowest bidder to account for the difference between the engineer’s estimate and the actual bid amount.  Based upon this conversation, staff determined that the work associated with the digester covers at the reclamation center resulted in higher actual costs.  Specifically, the complexity to design, manufacture and install the large 60”x60” access hatches was underestimated.  The work at the Waterworks sites were consistent with the engineer’s estimate.


The completion date for this project is May 1, 2019. 



CIP #: WWU35 Phosphorous Removal and WU07 Miscellaneous Waterworks Improvements


Hatch replacements are expensed to the infrastructure account listed below as part of the capital improvement program. The new hatches are part of both WWU35 and WU07, which have a combined budget of $590,000 in 2018. Hatch replacements were specifically budgeted for $100,000, as a subcomponent of the two projects in 2018. The remainder of this award will be budgeted appropriately in 2019.


Account Number

Fund Description

Total Budget Amount


Water & Wastewater



*Per City Council directive, contingency on construction projects is set at 3% on projects over $500,000 and 5% on projects under $500,000.