Approve the award of Cooperative Procurement 20-103, Volvo Tractor, to Alta Equipment for an amount not to exceed $71,892
DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
SUBMITTED BY: Richard Dublinski, Director
The Department of Public Works - Operations Division (DPW) provides annual curbside leaf collection services. The program historically begins six weeks prior to Thanksgiving Day. The City is divided into 20 leaf districts, 17 of which are collected by DPW staff. On average, the City annually picks up approximately 45,000 cubic yards of leaves during the six-week bulk curbside leaf program. To complete leaf collection operations within the six-week timeframe, DPW staff requires use of efficient and reliable equipment.
On June 16, 2019, City Council provided direction to staff to prepare a budget amendment for $274,000 to effectively continue the desired service levels of the City’s annual six-week, three cycle bulk curbside leaf programs. Part of the agenda item included a recommendation to replace all leaf equipment over a five-year period, funding for additional contractor assistance, rental of front-end loaders and semi-truck services and funding for rental of a trackless leaf loader.
DPW uses two Volvo tractors during the leaf collection program to load leaves onto contractor trucks. The Volvo tractors have the capability to pick-up leaves that become saturated and are too heavy for the Autumn Mate leaf loaders and DinkMar suction units. The Volvo tractors proved critical during the last weeks of the 2019 program when wet and cold conditions weighed leaves down.
Staff submitted the original five-year equipment replacement plan for the 2020 budget prior to the start of the 2019 leaf collection season. Staff did not consider the late season performance of the Volvo tractors at that time. Staff revised DPW’s five-year plan to recommend adding one Volvo tractor in 2020 that was not included in the 2020 budget.
The Volvo L20HS is available on Sourcewell Cooperative Contract #032119-VCE, an approved cooperative contract, through Alta Equipment for $71,892, including freight, as specified.
List Price |
Less Sourcewell Discount |
Plus, Freight, Spare & PDI |
Total Price |
$70,602.00 |
($1,670.00) |
$2,960.00 |
$71,892.00 |
The order delivery lead time for the Volvo L20HS is six months.
Unit 899, a DinkMar suction unit, will be sold at auction by Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, one of the City’s contracted auction vendors.
CIP #: N/A
Vehicle replacements for DPW are expensed to the vehicles and equipment account below. The Volvo L20HS tractor was not budgeted in 2020. Funding for the purchase of the Volvo tractor will be accommodated through savings associated with the Department of Public Works 2020 vehicle replacements, which is currently under budget by $71,602.55.
Account Number |
Fund Description |
Total Budget Amount |
31102200-551505 |
Capital Projects Fund |
$1,789,000 |