Approve the award of Option Year Three to Contract 17-122, Phase I and Phase II Engineering Services, to Alfred Benesch; Civiltech Engineering; Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly; EXP US Services; Thomas Engineering; and TranSystems
DEPARTMENT: Transportation, Engineering and Development
SUBMITTED BY: William J. Novack, Director
The City Council awarded Contract 17-122 to Alfred Benesch; Civiltech Engineering; Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly; EXP US Services; Thomas Engineering; and TranSystems on January 15, 2018 for a two-year term from January 15, 2018 to January 15, 2020. On March 17, 2020, the City Manager awarded the first option year from January 16, 2020, to January 15, 2021. The second option year was approved on February 9, 2021.
The purpose of this contract is to maintain a shortlist of qualified consulting firms to complete Phase I (preliminary engineering) and Phase II (detailed design engineering) work for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) to improve roadways and intersections. As projects arise during the term of this contract, shortlisted vendors will be selected via Request for Proposal responses based upon qualifications and/or costs. The City also retains the right to use the services of a successful consultant for future phases of a specific project.
Staff has used the services of the shortlisted engineering consultants for several CIP projects over the past few years including:
• SC019 - Columbia Street (Thomas)
• SC190 - 248th Street Improvements (Civiltech)
• SC196 - 95th and Book Road (CMT)
• CS014 - Downtown Streetscape - Jefferson and Main Street (Civiltech)
In 2022, staff intends to select one of these shortlisted consultants for the engineering design of CS014 - Downtown Streetscape - Washington Street - through a project specific request for proposal process.
Based upon the vendor’s performance, the Transportation, Engineering and Development Business Group would like to extend the contract for the third and final option year. All vendors have agreed to maintain the terms provided for under the master services agreements. No funds are awarded with this extension; staff will submit recommendations for award as projects are identified.
The term of the third option year is February 10, 2022, to February 11, 2023, with no option years remaining.
CIP #: N/A
This award is for the designation of shortlisted firms that will provide engineering services for phase I and phase II roadway and intersection improvements. There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this award and any fiscal impact sections of future recommendations for specific projects will be completed accordingly during the term of this contract.